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"Killed me?! No... no, no, you're lying. He wouldn't."

I didn't know why this statement sent me into such a mental spiral. It could have been my subconscious feelings of love for the demon, or it could be me holding onto his memory, but I couldn't believe it. Ghirahim wouldn't do that. Ghirahim loved me.

Although could I really say that? I didn't know him. I was seeing him through Soleil's memories.

Impa's stoic lips turned into a frown as I continued.

"My lady, you are letting your emotions get the best of you. You must restrain yourself and think. You need to remember."

"I thought I was a goddess. You can't kill a goddess." I asked defensively.

"You're right, you can't but Ghirahim poisoned you. Demise created a poison to strip you of your godhood. However, as Hylia's own creations, you were bonded so whatever happens to one of you must happen to the other."

"...So by stripping me of my godhood, stripped Erebus of his."

The dots began connecting in my head. It made sense knowing the memories I had seen and knowing what happened in SKyloftian history.

"And in your dying breaths, you were able to transfer your soul in order to be reincarnated just like Goddess Hylia. That is how you are here now, and how you will complete your destiny of taking down the demon king."

I hadn't realized it, but I had my mouth covered with my hands. All this information swarmed my brain unlocking so many things. I think I knew deep down Impa was right. Because when you know, you know.

I think it only took me a few more moments to process things when I finally looked back up into Impa's waiting eyes. I could see the sincerity and hope in them. It was like she was expecting me to lash out at her for everything. I obviously wasn't going to and the look she gave me solidified everything for me.

I had always been able to read people through their eyes. I guess I was just atuned to people's emotions.

"Take me to the Earth Spring." I order making my decision.

Impa's face lit up as she took my hand and we hurried along.

Upon entering the doors to the Earth Spring, I saw a small figure standing in front of the Goddess Statue.

A young maiden with silky blonde hair and a white dress similar to mien except it had long bell sleeves was there.

"Impa, I was beginning to worry-" Her voice stopped as she turned and saw me.

"Zelda!" I gasped as she ran to me and hugged me.

"(Name), I-I thought I'd never see you again!" Zelda said through tears squeezing me tightly.

I couldn't help the smile and the tears on my face either. Being told your best friend was alive was one thing, and actually holding her in a hug was a completely other thing.

After a little of our reunion, Impa urged us to finish our prays to the goddess. Zelda was about to step into the clear water before I stopped her. I told her how things went when I did it, but both she and Impa assured me nothing bad would happen. Impa was there to protect us. Besides, Zelda's body always woke up shortly after.

Impa told me that it's the poison still in my veins that makes it longer for me to wake up. The poison tries to keep me from regaining my memories and thus, my powers. However, it is eons old now so it's not as powerful as it once was.

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