The Imprisoned

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"Link! HEEELP!"

The pompous Skyloftian bully grabbed onto Link's left leg dragging all three of us down to the ground at an alarming speed.

I'm the one that saw Groose first.

I hung onto Link as we had first descended from his crimson loftwing. Everything was normal, then I heard Groose's scream of terror.

Once Groose latched onto us, Link was completely thrown off by the new weight and the increasing speed of our fall. He luckily pulled out his sailcloth to help to ease the fall for the three of us, however, it was still a rough landing that ended in a giant thud.

"...Ugh, rough landing." Groose groaned.

"Is everyone alright?"

Groose was the first one out of us to get up, just my luck. Once I recovered from the fall I rushed over to Link and rolled him on his back hovering over him to make sure he was alright.

"I think I mighta broke something. Hey, Link seriously... Didn't anyone ever teach you how to land without crash-"

Groose stopped talking abruptly as three little songbirds landed on his knees and by his feet.

As I was helping Link up, he mouthed to me, "Oh no."

"WHOA!" Groose's voice exploded form our landing area causing all the birds to fly off.

"Groose, easy. Take it-"

"B-birds? TINY birds?! Wh-what... ARE they?! But... how... Wh-why... Wha-what... Where am I?"

"Groose!" I yelled as he grabbed me by my shoulders and shook me as hard as he could making me insanely dizzy.

"What's going on here? Ever since Zelda vanished, Link's been zipping in and out of towm all in a hurry! Not to mention you. So I figured I'd tail you, and you might lead me to Zelda. But this is... so wild. Seriously, what IS that thing over there?! And what's with all these trees? There are so many!"

"Pl-please let go." I said through the dizziness.

"Just give it to me straight! I can take it. Where are we? Is Zelda here? What's the deal with this place?! If there's supposed to be nothin' below the clouds, what's all this?"

Link pounded Groose's massive hands to get him off of me then began to explain everything. I was amazed with how well Link summarized everything. I could never do that. In fact, some days I still felt like this was some fever dream I'd wake up to.

Despite Link's explanation, Groose turned it into his delusions of grandeur like he always did. Classic Groose.

We even had to see him throw a hissy fit n the aging Impa in the temple. He left soon so we didn't have to deal with him anymore. I was so relieved since I didn't know if I had it in me.

I never could stand Groose. One because he always bullied Link and two because he always tried to get with Zelda despite her hating him.

After he left, the old lady turned to me and Link looking at how our hands were still interlocked despite not needing to be. I saw the little smirk on her face from it, and a blush spread across my face.

"Greetings, Link and (Name). I see you two reunited just like I thought you would. Doesn't this mean you were able to catch up with Zelda too?"

"Well..." I started then explained the situation.

"Ah, I see. So, the guardian was there as well, was she? The one you saw by Zelda's side is known as Impa. She is being sent forth by the goddess to aid Zelda in her quest. The two have traveled somewhere in order to accomplish the great task destiny has set before them. However, now that Impa has destroyed the gate that they used, there is only one way left to find them. You must make use of the harp given to you by Zelda."

Link looked to me as I placed my hands on the harp and began strumming. The panic from before was rising in my chest while I tried not to let it show on my face.

Behind us as a bright light blue glow as this huge structure of ancient metal emerged through the ground. It held many, many symbols that I shouldn't have been able to read but I could. This was the Gate of Time. The one's that very presence would reawaken my powers along with my brother.

Link stood there looking at it in awe.

The old lady looked to me giving me a nod.

I clutched the harp to my chest looking down at my feet before meeting Link's gaze.

"This harp is known as the Goddess's Harp. It is a divine instrument of the goddess who once watched over this land." I explain. "The melodies it brings to life have the power to produce a variety of strange and otherworldly effects."

"The great slab standing before you is known as a Gate of Time." The aging Impa said. "It is the last of its kind in existence... The only portal binding our world to the one where Zelda now resides. If you manage to open the gate and pass through, you will likely end up in the same place as Zelda. But you will need to endure many hardships and put yourself in great danger to awaken the gate from its dormant state. Though your journey will put you in harm's way, Link... You must endure. It is your fate as the chosen hero of the godde-"

She stopped speaking abruptly as soon as an earthquake shakes the ground and causes me to lose balance.

It's Demise. He's back.

"(Name)!" Link said catching me in his arms.

"This shaking... I fear the seal has been broken. Link, there will be time to explain later. Right now, you must hurry to the bottom of the pit outside."

Once we got there, the symbols on the ground at the base of the seal were glowing red and the seal itself was omitting more malice than before.

Then the black smoke-like malice erupted all over the bottom of the pit enveloping anything it came in contact with. The only thing it couldn't touch was me and Link.

I held onto Link tightly as the massive beast bared it's three rows of razor-sharp teeth at us.

My stomach tied itself in knots seeing my brother in this monstrous form. It had large black scales across his body that had red detailing much like his normal form. He also had black flame-lined scales across his back, and four large white appendages on each of his feet that resembled toes.

The last thing I remembered before I blacked out was the sound of Link calling my name and the sound of me hitting the ground. 

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