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"Fade away
In the gray
Of an unknown dream

Where the sea
Swallows me
In the stream

Please never forget
The adventure and the dreams we had
I'll fade, it is my fate
Farewell, dear Hero

Let the light
Be your guide
As you sail away

I can make
And can take
A new day

Away from the light
Yes, this dream will have to end tonight
They'll fade, it is their fate
Farewell, brave Hero

Friend of mine
It is time
To say our last goodbyes

Hold my hand
Dearest friend
This dream dies"

Soleil sat on a massive cliff overlooking the vast sea. Her fingers strummed her harp's springs as she sang her somber melody.

Her elegant toga flowed in the wind along with her hair which hung loose today. It was a strange thing for her hair to be down since she always wore it up. However, today was a different kind of day.

Soleil stared into the endless sky as the ocean below her crashed against the rigid rocks. All nature seemed to be at war with itself.

"You cannot just sit there and strum your harp. That will do nothing for anybody." Hylia scolded.

Soleil looked up to the goddess. Hylia's compassionate eyes ever icy and held this reverence and race only a goddess such as herself could hold. Hylia then placed a hand on Soleil's shoulder.

"You don't know what I saw."

"I do. I've seen it a thousand times and a thousand more times since then."

"Then why haven't you done anything? You saw what happens to my brother. Your Grace, I cannot hurt him."

"I know it is all so hard to wrap your head around, but this is his destiny. I cannot intervene in your destinies just as you cannot intervene with the hylians'."

"Is that what we are to you? Just little hylians to keep you entertained?"

"Soleil, silence yourself." Hylia ordered. "You made your pledge."

"Erebus made his pledge too."

"Soleil, the harder you try to keep him from his path the more he will seek it out himself you cannot meddle in his fate any more than I can meddle in yours. Remember when I warned you not to fall for a demon?"

Soleil's face fell and color seemed to drain out of it. That was one topic she would always become every defensive about. She loved the sword spirit, and he loved her too.

She clutched her harp closer to her chest as Hylia chastised her. Hylia had disapproved of their relationship since the beginning. Hylia always told her that falling in love was not a luxury she could afford.

Soleil believed she could love Ghirahim from afar, however, as if it was fated, they came together on their own. They were bound by a red string of fate... an invisible string.

Invisible String | Ghirahim x Reader x LinkWhere stories live. Discover now