Elven visit

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Eldi and his family arrived at Goldmi's village through the Gate he had there. Melia wanted to greet them in person, not behind the Oracle's mask. Goldmi and her family were also looking forward to meeting her. The elf might have seen her in the game, but it wasn't the same.

""Welcome!"" they were greeted by two twin girls.

They had insisted on being the ones to greet their guests, and had even learned how to bow. It must be said that Elenksia, Goldmi's sister-in-law, had had a lot of fun teaching them.

"Hello. I'm glad to finally meet you," the dryad was the first to greet them.

The truth is that she had seen them many times through the plants, which made her feel very familiar with them. The girls, on the other hand, looked at her with curiosity.

"Are you like Maldoa?" asked Gjami.

"You look alike, but you're also different," Eldmi observed.

"Maldoa is my niece. You're right. We look alike, but we're also different," Melia answered, bent down and gently took one hand of each girl.

"Like aunt Elenksia and us?"

"That's right."

"So, what're you and Maldoa's parents?"

"Her mom is my sister. Would you like to meet them?"

""Yes!"" the two exclaimed together.

"Then, I'll tell them to come one day," the dryad promised.

Although, in reality, it wasn't necessary. Maldoa's mother was listening through the plants.

"Heh, heh. Now I have an excuse," she congratulated herself.

"Mom... You've conspired with Melia..." Maldoa accused her, sighing.

"It's your fault for not inviting me!" the dryad puffed out her cheeks.

"Do what you want..." her daughter sighed, as she felt a little guilty.

"So, you were the Oracle. Who would've thought! I'm so glad you two found each other!" Goldmi hugged her.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't tell you," Melia apologized while hugging her back.

"I understand. It must've been hard for you," the elf empathized.

"Very hard. But now everything is fine. Although... I'm afraid I have bad news... My sisters have asked me a lot of errands for you..." the dryad apologized again, although she was laughing.

"Ha, ha. No problem. Do you want something?" the archer offered.

"Mmm... A little bit of everything? Augh...! I was joking...!" she complained to Eldi. Nonetheless, she was extending her arms towards him.

He had pinched her on the arm, although with hardly any force. The dryad's reaction hadn't only been a bit exaggerated, but she was demanding a kiss as compensation. Any excuse was good, and her beloved was unable to deny her anything.

The sixteen of them ended up eating next to a small lake. Liodon, Lidia, Melingor, Ted, Mideltya, Melia, Eldi, Gjami, Eldmi, Elenksia, Klimsal, Elendnas, Goldmi, the lynx, the goshawk and the kraken. The latter was inside the lake, and was Enlarging her tentacles to catch the food.

"Is there something we need to know?" Elenksia asked a little nervous. It was very important for them.

Soon, she would go with her partner to use the passes they had been given. Goldmi, Elendnas and the girls would accompany them.

"There should be no problem. Old Maisha will take care of everything. If there's any problem, talk to Maldoa or me," the dryad offered.

"Thank you," Klimsal intervened.

"It isn't free. I demand pampering rights when they are born!" Melia demanded, amused.

"Mom... Aren't the two of them enough for you?" Liodon sighed.

The twins were lying on the dryad's lap, while she gently caressed their hair. The softness of her skin and the delicious, calming floral aroma had finally won them over after hours of playing.

Dryads can control the aroma emitted by each part of their body, which can vary as if they had thousands of flowers to choose from. However, they usually do it subconsciously. For example, with Eldi, it was usually a much more stimulating scent.

"It's never enough! I hope I'll have great-grandchildren to pamper soon!" she exclaimed, mischievously, which made Ted and Mideltya blush.

"If you want them so much, make them yourself," Lidia suggested.

"That's also interesting," the dryad acknowledged without any shyness. She was looking at Eldi with a smile that he was unable to resist. "Although, I could use some more grandchildren too."

"Is there more sauce left?" Lidia asked, as she ignored her mother.

Eldi preferred not to say anything, but at that moment he frowned slightly. Although his son tried to hide it, he had noticed for a moment the pain on Liodon's face.

"Are you fine?" Eldi approached his son.

The latter had gotten up to go for a walk, and Eldi had gone after him. He was a little worried, because his son seemed depressed.

"Dad! Yes, of course, why wouldn't I be fine?" Liodon denied, without looking him in the eyes.

"You can talk to me if you want. I haven't been able to be with you when you needed me, but now I'm here. I know it's not easy to trust me, but I assure you that I'll be there for you whatever it is," the battle mage assured.

"It's not that! Of course I trust you! You saved us! You gave us a family! It's just that I..." the twin answered. He was adamant at first, and hesitant at the end.

Eldi approached and hugged him, to Liodon's surprise. He hadn't expected it, but it was comforting. For many years, he had wanted to see his father again, and now it had come true.

"I'll always be there for you. When you want to talk, I'll listen," his father promised.

In the safety of his father's arms, the same ones that had pulled him and his sister out of the hole many years ago, Liodon suddenly burst into tears.

Eldi was surprised by the sudden reaction, but he didn't say anything. He just held on to the hug, patting his back, waiting for him to calm down. It took him a long time.

Finally, after taking a deep breath, Liodon separated himself from his father. He wiped his tears with the sleeve of his shirt and looked at him.

"I haven't told anyone... But... They could hear us..."

He wanted to explain, but he was afraid that his mother or other dryads would spy on them. It was something he didn't want them to know.

"Come, let's talk inside. We'll be alone there," Eldi offered, as he pulled out his castle-tent.

Liodon looked at the tent. He wanted to tell it, to vent, but at the same time he felt ashamed, indecisive. In all these years, Liodon had never confessed what he felt. He had always kept it inside, despite the pain that gripped his heart.

He followed his father and entered the tent.

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⏰ Last updated: 9 hours ago ⏰

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