The things we Forget

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Would you rather be blind, deaf, or crippled?
Would you sacrifice:
The joys of running on the beach during summer
The feeling of warm earth on your naked feet on a sunny day
The chance to go strolling on a field of grass when spring comes
The fun of dancing in the rain
And even the simple pleasure of just walking with that special someone
Would you rather give up:
The countless songs that have been sung and thousands more to come
The symphony of family chatter during dinner
The ability to listen to troubled companions and give them comfort
The magic of hearing the laughter of your friends
And even the heartwarming sounds of the words I love you
Would you abandon:
The magnificence that is the sunset and the glory of the sunrise
The comfort you feel when looking up at the stars on cold nights
The many colors that embodies human history
The miracle of a child's smile and the funny toothless grin of his grandfather
And even sight of your loved one's eyes as they look back at yours
I'll ask again
Would you rather be blind, deaf, or crippled?
It's amazing the things we forget
The simple tasks to enjoy
The gifts we ignore
for some of us this wasn't just a question
they weren't even asked
Something just happened one day
and then when they woke up they were
Remember to value what you have because you'll never know
what will happen one day

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