Strange Habit

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I developed this strange habit
before going to sleep

I think about all the things that could go wrong tomorrow
I think about all the mistakes I could make
And I think about everything bad that could happen

I count them in my head as one might count sheep
to help them fall asleep

and right just before I give up on life
and give in to my sorrows

I think of you
and I think of all the things
in my life,
the bad, the ugly, and the sorrow

and it is then I start to realize
never in a million years
would I ever think that I would meet someone
as amazing as you

That in a lifetime of Tragic realities
Life gave me a dream come true

To see you smile
Hear your laugh
to see myself reflected in your eyes
They are the reasons I am able to face tomorrow

And I realize
all the bad things in my life
that had happen and that will happen

cannot overshadow knowing someone
like you exists in my life

and no matter what happens tomorrow
what I might face after I wake up

It will not change the fact
That I had you in my life

You are the reason I am able to sleep soundly at night
and knowing I might see you once more is the reason
why I still wake up in the morning

For you see I've developed this weird habit
before going to bed

Where I think about all the things that could go wrong
I think about all the mistakes I made
And I think about everything bad about my life
and how little it matters to me
if only I can dream of you tonight

Goodnight, and sweet dreams.

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