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Hello! I'm Star! If you picked this story because you know me, then welcome back! If you're new, then welcome to the club! I hope you enjoy this book, and here's a few bits of info about each of the characters in this story!

For my own convince, False and Gem are not emperors in Empires, and Skizz is already a hermit in season 9. He lives with Gem, Impulse, and Pearl and is a part of the Soup Group. 

This is very lore heavy, and I am going to have to explain a few things. Like, I think they're called headcannons? Anyway. So, headcannons. Spoiler alert, most of them are human.


Species- Former Watcher, White Wings and when he uses his magic they trun light purple.
Personality- Chaotic, kind, funny, over excitable, and caring about his friends
Relationships- He likes Scar, but doesn't know if he likes him back. Best friends with Mumbo.

Species- Human
Personality- Kind, sleepy, easy going, and short.
Relationships- Single. But close friends with Ren and Etho.

Species- Human
Personality- Very kind, soft personality, he has a soft spot for Grian.
Relationships- Likes Grian, friends with everyone he meets.

Species- Human
Personality- Shy person, but very friendly if you get to know him.  
Relationships- ???

Species- Dwarf. THEY ARE NOT SHORT. Dwarves are not short, they are as tall as a normal person. But Impulse is very tall.
Personality- Kind and caring. Loves to hang out with his friends.
Relationships- Single. Close friends with Gem, Pearl, Skizz, Zedaph and Tango.

Species- Deer hybrid. With small horns coming out of her head and white spots on her cheeks like freckles, and a small tail that pokes through her pants.
Personality- Kind yet fierce. And she is very good at swordfighting.
Relationships- Friends with everyone, and is always joking around. Single???

Species- Human / Cyborg. He's got a robotic eye.
Personality- Funny, full of jokes and he loves to hang out with people.  
Relationships- Single.

Species- Human
Personality- A kindhearted person, with a warm smile and a comforting word to anyone who needs it.
Relationships- He's  a part of the Soup Group, and he's close with Grian and Scar as well.

Species- Human.
Personality- Kind and funny.
Relationships- Single.

Species- Human
Personality- Happy and kind.
Relationships- Sibgle

Species- Blaze Born. Firey hair red eyes with a thin tail and a burst of flame on the end. His fires burn brighter when he's angry or excited, and they burn lower.
Personality- Kind and energetic and he's awesome to be around.
Relationships- Single Pringle. (Sorry Jim.)

Species- Human
Personality- Kind and creative with a spanking for engineering.
Relationships- SINGLE🎶

Species- Human
Personality- Kind, good at PvP.
Relationships- Singleeeee

Species- Zombie. She's got green skin and orange hair. Stitches everywhere, a bit like a Frankenstein.
Personality- Energetic, likes to commit arson.
Relationships- Single Pringle

Species- Human
Personality- Kind, caring, funny.
Relationships- Single

Species- Human
Personality- WIDE EYES. (He's also very nice)
Relationships- Single

Species- ??? He's powerful enough to be the admin, and he can't breathe the air of the overworld for very long.
Personality- Happy, he's the dad. I will not accept anything else.
Relationships- Single. He's the dad.

Species- Human
Personality- Very creative, likes to do redstone.
Relationships- Single

Species- Human
Personality- Kind, Canadien stereotype.
Relationships- Single.

Species- Human
Personality- He's a knight. He's very noble and kind.
Relationships- Single.

Species- Wolf Hybrid. He's got ears and a tail and sharper teeth.
Personality- Overconfident and chaotic. 'Ladies, get in line!'
Relationships- Single?

Species- Human
Personality- Kind, needs organization (cleaning lady) and she loves all of her friends deeply.
Relationships- Single. Maybe not for long? Idk.

Species- Human
Personality- Kind, easily flustered but kind.
Relationships- Single. He doesn't know why Grian is his friend, it just happened.

Species- Slime thing.
Personality- He likes to go with the flow- Sorry had to make a pun.
Relationships- Single

Species- Creeper-Goat-Cyborg thing.
Personality- Kind of standoffish, he dosnt like many people.
Relationships- Single. For some reason he likes Ren and Bdubs (AS FRIENDS).

Species- Human
Personality- Kind, caring, always there to help (Unlike the Permit Office)
Relationships- Single


Species- Human
Personality- He is kind a caring and very flirty. Because Scott.
Relationships- Jimmy is cute.

Species- Human (definitely not a toy)
Personality- Very respectable (sometimes) fair (occasionally) and the sheriff (not a toy)
Relationships- He likes Scott, and everyone knows but him.

Species- Human
Personality- He's kind and likes to sing, like a lot.
Relationships- Single

Species- Goblin (NOT SHORT)
Personality- Likes to anoy the sheriff. And he likes gold. A lot.
Relationships- Single

Species- God
Personality- Overconfident. Very annoying. Sheriff toys are his main export.
Relationships- ?

Species- Witch
Personality- She is shy and not very confident in her witch powers, but there actually pretty good.
Relationships- Single

Species- Human
Personality- She is a feirce monster hunter and she hides it, but everyone still knows.
Relationships- Single

Species- Human
Personality- He can't take a hint. And he assumes that everyone loves him.
Relationships- Single

Species- Avain, Green and light blue wings. Plant magic, he can speak to trees and influence their growth.
Personality- He is very confident and he sells wood. He is just a very crazy guy.
Relationships- Single

Species- Human
Personality- He's the most responsible ruler out of them all. And they go to him for advice. For convenience, Hermitcraft recap doant exist. ('This week on Hermitcraft!' 'Oh good.')
Relationships- Single

Species- Cat hybrid (but she's totally a human)
Personality- Very energetic and she can see in the dark dishes had sensitive hearing AND she still denys that she's a cat hybrid.
Relationships- Single


Species- Watcher
Personality- Very energetic, hates the Watchers, but is forced to watch Hermitcraft. Is the Watcher that 'looks after' the hermits.
Relationships- None? Is a Watcher, so no love?

Species- Watcher
Personality- Calm person, hates being a Watcher, looks after the world of Empires. Wants to help the people he looks after, but he know he can't.
Relationships- No relationships. He's a Watcher.

Oof. That's a lot to process, so I'll leave you guys to it. I'll post the first chapter soon. Anyway, see you later!

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