Chapter Seven

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Tango watched as the large number of people began to move away from the place they were in. But a few of the people were standing in a clump across from Tango, and they looked over towards him. He wondered where they were going and quickly walked back to report this development to Xisuma and Grian. The two were in deep conversation with Cub and had twin serious looks on their faces. The rest of the hermits were right by the rift, on the edge of a small platform that seemed to have been built up to the rift. Xisuma, Grian, and Cub were a ways away from everyone else, standing right at the edge of a cliff leading down to a river. The wind ripped around them, tossing Cub and Grian's hair around their faces. Tango hurried up beside them and tapped the blond on the shoulder.

“Tango!” Grian cried in surprise, turning around to look at the blaze born. “You scared me. What are you doing?”

“They've begun to move.” Tango announced, as Cub winced worriedly. “And a few are coming towards us.”

“Okay.” Grian said, jumping into full planning mode. “I'll go and meet them.”

“Not alone.” Xisuma said, and Cub nodded.

“I hate to say this, but who’s the most intimidating person here?” Cub said, and Xisuma caught on to what was being said.

“So we pick out the most intimidating hermits to go out and greet the new people?” Xisuma said, and Cub nodded.

“Just as a precaution.” Cub said, and Grian began to nod as well.

“Well who's the most intimidating then?” Grian asked, and Tango jumped in.

“Send Impulse.” Tango suggested, and Grian immediately started laughing.

“Impulse?” Grian cried as he wiped away tears. “I might as well bring a teddy bear.”

This comment brought a laugh from both Chb and Xisuma, but Tango wasn't laughing.

“Look at him!” Tango said, “We're accustomed to him, but these people aren't.”

Everyone turned around to look back at Impulse. He was sitting down on the floor, and Gem was leaning into him on one side and Skizz on the other while Pearl was sharing an avid conversation with him. The redhead was asleep on his shoulder, and every so often, Impulse would softly pat her on the head.

“Okay he's not making my point very well right now by being covered by the snuggliest hermits right now, but still!” Tango insisted, and Grian laughed again.

“Alright I’ll bring Impulse.” Grian said, and Tango smiled. “But I'm bringing you and Doc to balance it out.”

“Fine.” Tango agreed, but Xisuma stepped in.

“I'm coming.” He said, and before Grian could protest, he laid a hand on his shoulder. “I don't want any of you hurt.”

Cub stepped up and volunteered to go and tell Impulse that he had to get up, while Xisuma went to handle Doc.

After a few minutes, the group was assembled on the edge of the wood platform, staring out across the bridge. There was a group of three other people standing on the other side, and Tango watched as they began to walk slowly over the bridge. He looked to his friends, and Grian gave him a nod, and Impulse grabbed his hand kindly. Doc gave a rare smile and winked comfortingly as Xisuma stood front and center, as if he was protecting all the hermits from the approaching people. The admin signaled for everyone to follow him, and they all hastened to do so, each displaying their strengths as they walked.

Grian flared out his wings and put on the fiercest glare he could muster, and that was nothing compared to Doc. The creeper hybrid had grabbed a big stick that looked like a staff, and he was spinning it around menacingly. Tango let his hair and tail heat up, and he squeezed Impulse's hand reassuringly as the dwarf glared at the people approaching. Xisuma's hands glowed a magical purple, displaying merely a fraction of his powers.

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