Chapter Three

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He was nameless. Voiceless. And all he could do was watch. It was both a blessing and a curse. Take that back it was mostly a curse. He was destined to stand in front of a window and watch what he could never have. Alone with his thoughts, which he was never supposed to have. In a tower with no color, no light, and no emotions, it was pretty easy to believe that this was all there was.

But he was lucky. He got to watch an amazing world. He used to watch an empty world. Filled with sand and dust, it was inhabitable. But when the Watchers grew bored with that world and threw a rock at it, he was switched.

And this world was wonderful. Full of amazing things, creative people, and another Watcher. He didn't bother to report this escaped Watcher to the heads, but he watched him. Knowing that if he escaped, then maybe there would be hope for him. And hope, that was the ultimate power that the heads feared.

The heads collected people who were almost dead, alone, abandoned, or hopeless. They came to you as a God. Someone that could save you and protect you, but in exchange, you had to forget. Forget your life, forget your past, and forget your name. Watchers had to be nameless. And more than that, they had to believe that their way was the only option. He knew that he was stuck, but seeing this other Watcher, this Grian. Who had a name, who had a life, who was his own person, he couldn't help but hope.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps behind him, and he was dragged away from his window. Pity, he had just spotted that deer hybrid getting together with the ninja. He was about to settle down to watch an epic battle. The Watcher dragged him over ao the they were making eye contact, and he winced as the other Watcher growled at him. He looked around at the other Watchers in his hallway, and he knew that none of them were going to help him.

What have you done?" The Watcher hissed, and he recognized that this was a head, his first clue being that he was allowed to speak. “Answer me.

He winced and nodded, letting the head enter his mind.

I don't know.

The head looked into his mind and brought out the awnser to his question. The reason that heads were able to read minds was mostly unknown, but he theorized that it was to make sure that no one spoke. And if no one spoke, then there was no sense of humanity in their ranks.

Do better than I don't know. There is a Watcher in your world.” The head raised his hand and struck him across the face, knocking him to the ground. “You are such a waste of space. Why do we bother keeping you around? ⚍ᓭᒷꖎᒷᓭᓭ.

⚍ᓭᒷꖎᒷᓭᓭ. It meant useless. But it sounded a bit like a name from the world he watched. He made note of it and winced as the head picked him up and threw him down onto the ground.

“This is what happens to those who disobey our orders or help runaways.” The head stalked away, and the other Watchers turned back to their windows. “⚍ᓭᒷꖎᒷᓭᓭ, do not fail me again. There is a task to be done in your world. Do not disappoint me, or you will face the consequences.

He turned back to his window and watched as a death message appeared in the corner of his window.

<Etho was slain by Gem>

He'd missed the fight.

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