Chapter One

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Grian sat with his back to the button. Not just any button, the button, the button which started it all. The button that activated the rift. He leaned against the carved pedestal on which it sat and took a deep breath listening for the sound he knew was there.




He ran his fingers through his hair as he tried to block out the sound as he debated whether to do what they wanted or not. They would be mad if he didn't, but if he did, he would be putting the hermits in danger.




Grian sighed, the noise was annoying, but there was no getting rid of it. It was Grumbot's heartbeat. Grian's robot son had come through the rift with a few differences from his former self. And Grian knew, or he had a pretty decent guess, as to where Grumbot had come from. Or rather, who has sent him. The watchers. Constantly meddling in his life, they couldn't just leave him alone? Grian sighed as he waited patiently for the other hermits to arrive. This whole plan to go through the rift was not something he wanted to do, but it was something that the watchers wished to happen.

Why was Grian listening to the watchers you might ask? It was better to do what the watchers wanted, then to ignore them. Or worse, rebel against them. Few people knew that the watchers even existed, and Grian would like to keep it that way.

Grian ruffled his white wings, shifting the white feathers around. He sighed wishing he didn't have them, they were a mark of where he'd come from. And that was something Grian kept trying to forget. His blond hair was messed up from constantly running his hand through it in frustration. The hermits would be here soon, and he needed to make a decision.

"Hey, Grian!"

Grian looked up to see Xisuma gliding down on his wings. The admin was quickly followed by Jevin, Cub and Joe. It seemed like no one had wanted to be the first one to arrive. Thank God Xisuma had stepped up or else no one would've come in.

"Hello everyone!" Grian called out standing up as stretching the stiff joints in his wings and legs.

Xisuma walked up, his eyes crinkled in happiness underneath his helmet. If you didn't know him well you wouldn't have known he was happy to see Grian.

Jevin laughed as he approached, sticking his hands into his pockets. The friendly blue blob was a slime hybrid and very much a transparent person.

Jevin was walking with Cub and Joe. Cub was a scientist intent on discovering new things about each of the hermits, and Joe was a friendly person that was always ready to lend a helping hand to a hermit in need. He also had a southern accent that was funny to listen to.

"Grian, care to explain why we're all here?" Joe asked, walking up with Cub.

"And what's up with the timing?" Jevin laughed, "Seems pretty specific."

"I'll explain once everyone's here." Grian promised, looking up to the sky.

Suddenly Gem dropped out of the sky, with Impulse, Skizz, and Pearl in tow.

Gem was a deer hybrid with horns and white freckles across her face. She had a fun and loving personality, but her sword was a sharp one and not to be crossed. The next to follow was Grian's friend Pearl. She was a builder of extreme talent and she was so very organized. She would always get on Grian's case about his chest monsters and lack of organization. Skizz had a bright grin on his face and he waved at Grian as he landed and walked after Gem. He towered over the short hybrid be he was nothing compared to the last member of the Soup Group. This was Impulse, he towered over Pearl Gem and even Skizz. He was a dwarf from the mines beneath Gem's castle and he might look tough, but he was a true softie on the inside.

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