Chapter Four

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Jimmy watched as Scott raced around tending to his people, taking care of their needs and making sure that they had everything they needed. Jimmy walked over to the door and pushed it open, noting that the sun was beginning to set. It was almost time for the firework show, and Jimmy walked over to Scott to tell him. The cyan haired ruler was talking to a younger man, and Jimmy felt a small surge of jealousy wave over him at the sight. The sheriff knew that Scott wasn't dating anyone, but he was still a little jealous that Scott's attention was elsewhere.

“Scott.” Jimmy said. The emperor turned around and smiled, setting Jimmy's heart into overdrive.

“Hello, Petal.” Scott said, and Jimmy blushed softly at the pet name.

Scott laughed at Jimmy's embarrassment and dismissed the person he was talking to before walking up to Jimmy. Jimmy blushed ever deeper when Scott leaned on his side, and he grinned as he wrapped his arm around Scott’s shoulders.

“Are you alright?” Jimmy asked, and Scott nodded.

“Yes.” He said with a small smile, and Jimmy sighed in relief. “I'm just a little bit tired.” Scott yawned softly, and Jimmy felt his heart warm at the sound.

“Are you okay to go to the fireworks show?” Jimmy asked, and Scott nodded. “If you want, I could take you back to your tent if you're too tired for the fireworks.”

“I'll be alright, and I wouldn't want you to miss out on the fireworks just for me.” Scott said, and Jimmy smiled, sliding his hand down to wrap around Scott's side rather than his shoulder. “Is it time to go now?”

Jimmy nodded even though he didn't want to move from this spot. He was perfectly happy to stay here, rooted to the ground with Scott. However, the shorter was the first to move, slowly untangling himself from Jimmy and taking his hand. The two walked out of the tent and made their way towards the clearing Oli had told them to meet at. They moved slowly, in no hurry to make it there.

Soon, they arrived, and Scott stepped in, first pulling a reluctant Jimmy in after him. There were only a couple of people there, and after a few hasty greetings, they walked out with a few more people in tow. Fwhip, Joel, Oli, and Sausage had all been inside, while Shelby was preparing the fireworks with an assortment of witches. Kathrine watched over the process (mostly just hanging out with the witch) while Joey followed Kathrine around, offering to help with whatever she was doing at the time. Lizzie was with Pix while he began to lay out some of his artifacts.

Oli gathered the people of all the different empires and led them over to an open field where they would be setting off the fireworks. Small pop-up stands began selling snacks, and Jimmy grinned as he watched the citizens que up for the food. There was rock candy from Gobland, cotton candy from Animalia, a bunch of food from Sanctuary that Jimmy didn’t even know the name of, and so much more. Fwhip led the rulers over to a spot atop a hill so that they could watch the display from above. Jimmy ended up sitting with Joel and Sausage as Oli began to set up down below. All of the rulers were here besides a few, Oli (who was down helping out), and Shelby and she was helping with the setup for the magic fireworks.  Jimmy looked around at the group of rulers, searching for one very specific person.

“Looking for someone, Jimmy?”

The sheriff turned around to see Sausage giving him a look while Joel laughed in the background.

“I don’t know what you mean.” Jimmy said as he felt his face heat up.

“Looking for your cyan haired king-” Joel started before dropping off when he saw someone walking up the hill towards them.

Jimmy looked back and gasped when he saw Scott, the very person Joel was just teasing him about, walking up towards him. Scott had something in his hands, and he gently held it out to Jimmy as Joel and Sausage whispered in the background. It was a bucket of cotton candy, and the sheriff took it gently with a small smile.

“Thanks.” Jimmy whispered, and Scott nodded, dropping down beside him with a sigh.

They sat there in almost silence (Joel and Sausage were still whispering) until Scott leaned over and laid his head on Jimmy’s shoulder. Jimmy only had a few seconds to process this before a voice rang out from below. Oli was speaking very loudly with the help of a witch as he began the festival.

“Thank you for coming here today and for bringing your goods and spirit along with you!” Oli’s voice rang out, echoing along the cliffs that surrounded the river. “We in the Olipelligo have celebrated this festival for many years, as the celebration of the day we joined this group of empires and kingdoms and we use this as a day to remember the effort my father put into his kingdom. I thank you for taking a part in this with us, and I hope our empires will be allies and friends for many more years to come! Thank you. And now for a light show from the people of the Evermore.” Oli bowed to the crowd, and his voice returned to its natural state as the crowd applauded.

He quickly made his way up to the hill where the other emperors were sitting, bringing Shelby with him. Everyone gave him a short round of applause when he arrived, and he flushed a deep shade of red at their kind words.

“You did great, Oli.” Pix praised, and Oli nodded in appreciation at his words.

The show soon started with an explosion of green and purple. The crowd murmured in excitement as the show started. Jimmy looked over at Scott's sleepy face and smiled as the light lit up his face and hair with different explosions of color.

The fireworks went on for a long time, and by the time they were overnight, had fallen, and the stars were out in full force. Jimmy didn't know when this had happened, but at some point, Scott had fallen asleep on Jimmy, and when he shifted and began to stretch, Scott woke up with a yawn. Jimmy froze when Scott just snuggled closer, wrapping his arms around Jimmy and pulling him close.

“Hello Scott.” Jimmy whispered as the other people began to shift and move around them. “Enjoy your rest?” Jimmy teased and gently poked Scott in the chest.

“Sorry.” Scott said as he pulled back, his face lighting up red.

“It's fine.” Jimmy said as Joel and Sausage stood up behind the two. “Come on.”

Jimmy pulled Scott up to his feet, and soon, all the emperors proceeded down to their respective personal tents association their people walked back to the big tents. The night had gone very well, but little did they know that a much sinister plot was about to be set into motion.

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