Chapter Five

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He peered through the glass, watching intrigued as the rogue Watcher gathered all the people from his world. The rogue held the meeting at his base, right by the rift that the watchers had planted. Everything was going according to plan, but he didn't know what was going on. He was just a low Watcher, not a head who knew things he couldn't even speak. He tugged at his cloak as the man called Zedaph volunteered to hit the back wall.

So much energy. He thought, No wonder we watch this world. It has so much going on.

He watched as the rogue, no, Grian gave his speech, and he watched as they tried to convince a man called Xisuma. As he peered into their thoughts, he saw that they all thought of this Xisuma as their dad. If he said no, it was a no. He found himself wishing that he remembered his last life, even just so that he could see if he had someone like Xisuma in his past. But before he could ponder this notion, Grian began to count them in. He leaned closer to see what would happen when they went through, and what happened was not even close to what he expected.

As the people walked through the rift, it surprisingly accepted them, pulling all the people away from the world. He watched and sighed, knowing that he was going to be very bored until they returned. But he didn't have to wait long for something interesting to happen.

Suddenly, three head Watchers stepped out of the portal. They looked around at the world and then back at each other. They began to speak, and he looked in to see what they were saying.

We must move quickly.” The middle one said, and the others nodded. “We can't have that ⚍ᓭᒷꖎᒷᓭᓭ messing it up.

He jolted back and realized that they were talking about him. He looked around, making sure that no one had noticed, and then he learned closer.

He has become too attached to these people.” The head to the left declared.

This is for our security.” The one to the right agreed.

We begin.” The one in the middle announced.

They turned to face that robot that came from the rift and began speaking in the ancient Watcher language.

↸ᒷᓭℸ ̣ ∷𝙹|| ╎ℸ ̣  ᔑꖎꖎ.” The first one hissed and then turned back to the others.

We take our leave.” The Watcher said, and they all walked back through the rift.

He watched in surprise as the robot began to fire explosives at the rift. He cried out in shock, and he didn't care if everyone looked at him weird. If that portal collapsed, then it would send out a shockwave that would bring down the whole world. He banged on the window that separated him from the world, and he yelled out in desperation. The Watchers couldn't do this. The people had so many memories there, so many laughs. What about Jellie? They hadn't taken her with them. The perimeter still has so much potential, and the soup group was just getting started. As he watched the purple explosion rock out and take the whole world with it. He pounded his fists  against the glass, and he knew that he no longer wanted to watch. He wanted to be down there, doing something to help these people.

He felt something warm and wet roll down his face, and he reached up to touch it. It was a tear. He hadn't cried since the Watchers found him all those years ago. In this moment of anger and sadness, he felt the most human he had had for a long time. But all of his newfound confidence flew right out the window as a Watcher grabbed him from behind and threw him onto the ground.

How dare you!” The head hissed, and he flinched before realizing that this was the head that had destroyed his world.

He straightened up as well as he could, and he glared at the head with a look of pure hatred as the tears streamed down his face. He didn't wipe them away, and the head kicked him in the stomach, and he winced, a strand of his hair falling onto his eyes. It was blond. With this new information, he looked up at the purple eyes glaring at him, and he smiled. He knew that the Watchers had just lost their control on him. He was free.

You spoke.” The head growled, and he nodded, trying to stand up. “How disgusting. You are a failure, you're so ⚍ᓭᒷꖎᒷᓭᓭ.

He knew that he had to say something, so he focused on that word. ⚍ᓭᒷꖎᒷᓭᓭ. Useless. But it sounded a lot like a name. He had heard it a few times when people were listing names in the world he had just watched get destroyed. He knew what his last act of defiance was going to be.

“Martyn.” He said, his voice rough and gravely from lack of use, but it was still nothing like the voices of the heads. “My name is Martyn.”

The head screeched and grabbed him, dragging him down the hall. Martyn didn't know where he was going, but what he did know was that he did it. He was free, and if the freedom cost him his life, well, at least he wouldn't die nameless, voiceless, he would die as an individual.

↸ᒷᓭℸ ̣ ∷𝙹|| ╎ℸ ̣  ᔑꖎꖎ - Destroy it all

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