Chapter Six

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Joel stepped out of his personal tent early in the morning with a yawn as he surveyed the area. He was still wrapped in his toga from last night, as he had forgotten to take it off. He had gone to bed late last night with the other emperors, but he had a tingly feeling in his chest that something was going to happen. He suddenly noticed Sausage standing a little bit away, and he walked towards him with a smile on his face.

“Hello Joel.” Sausage greeted, and Joel smiled, looking down at his friend. “You're very tall today.”

Joel laughed and shrank himself down to Sausage’s height, and Sausage elbowed the God in the stomach.

“Ow!” Joel cried, and Sausage grinned.

“Didn't know immortal Gods could feel pain.” Sausage teased, and Joel rolled his eyes.

“I can feel pain because I'm not a God right now.” He explained to a tired Sausage. “But if I were my normal eleven foot self, I wouldn't have felt that any more than you would feel someone hit you with a feather.”

“How poetic.” Sausage said with a smile, and Joel laughed.

“It's the lore, Sausage.” He grinned, and Sausage sighed.

“Do you feel anything?” Sausage asked, and Joel knew that they weren't talking about punches and feathers anymore.

“Can you?” Joel asked, and the king of Sanctuary nodded.

“The trees over there have been complaining for a while.” Sausage said, pointing over to the rift and the plant life around it. “They're describing an odd sort of pulsing.” Sausage suddenly pulled a charred piece of paper from his pocket and held it out. “And this morning, this came through.”

Joel took the price of paper and held it gently in his hands as he slowly opened it. Inside, there was a messing scrawled message, and he gasped when he read it.

New portal. Who is this?

“What does this mean?” Sausage asked, and Joel dropped the paper to the ground, his hands shaking. “Joel? Are you alright?”

“I feel like something is about to happen.” Joel said, “Like the whole world is just waiting for something to happen.”

Sausage looked up at Joel with a look of worry.

“We have to tell Pix.” Sausage decided, and Joel sighed slowly.

“Do we have to?” Joel said, and Sausage nodded.

“He knows everything about history. He'll know if anything like this has happened before.” Sausage said, and Joel sighed reluctantly.

“Fine.” Joel said, and the two set out towards Pix's tent, but before they could even get close, a massive explosion rang out from behind them.

Joel and Sausage turned around quickly and saw a massive cloud of purple smoke shooting out from the mysterious rift. Joel reacted quickly and entered his God form, grabbing Sausage and shielding him from the blast. The smoke crashed into them and almost knocked Joel over, which was saying something. The blast washed an immense heat over Joel and Sausage, but after a few seconds, it was gone. But what was left in its wake was a horrible scene.

The whole fairground had been hit by the blast, and most of the tents had been knocked over, and some of them were even on fire. Joel jumped into action, racing over to the nearest tent, the one for the Eversea. He helped the seaside pirates get out, even carrying a few people out. Sausage cried out in surprise as he arrived and saw the fire burning in the next tent over.

“That's Gobland!” Sausage yelled, and Joel immediately understood. The goblins were too small to lift up the fallen tent and get out.

Joel ran over and found the entrance, grabbing it and pulling it up. He looked inside and saw all the goblins struggling under the thick fabric. Suddenly, he felt someone beside him, and he turned to see a God from Stratos helping him hold up the tent.

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