Chapter Two

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Scott took a deep breath as he looked around his empire. The people were happily enjoying their day to day activities, and as Scott walked through the colorful market square, he sighed in content. Soon, he arrived at his house, and he routinely opened his mailbox, grabbing all the paper and bringing it inside.

He walked up to his front door and pulled it open with a smile as he noticed one of his letters was from one of the other emperors. Scott strolled over to his kitchen counter and threw the envelopes down. Most were from his empire, notes from civilians with requests and favors, but one envelope stood out. He recognized the writing on the cover to be Oli's, and he grinned as he ripped it open. The letter read as follows;

To Scott Smajor, King of Chromia, Collector Of All Things, and Operator Of The Black Market,
I, King Oli of the Olipelligo, invite you and your people to the grand Olipelligo Festival of the Lights. It will take place at the field across from the Bridge tomorrow night. I hope you'll be able to join us, send your answer as soon as possible.
Thank you,

Scott chuckled at the formality as he folded up the letter and dropped it on the counter. He walked over to his desk and selected a crisp piece of paper, and grabbed a quill and a bottle of ink. Scott sat down and slid his chair closer to the desk as he prepared to write. He dipped the quill into the ink and hovered it over the page for a moment before he decided what to say.

I accept the invitation and will meet you with my people tomorrow afternoon. I hope to see you there,

Scott whistled softly, and a small brown bird flew through the window and landed on his shoulder. Scott rolled up the piece of paper and held it up to the bird. The bird chirped and grabbed onto the paper with its beak, and Scott gave it a soft pat on the head. The bird squeezed Scott's shoulder and took off, beating its wings softly as it flew circles around Scott's head.

“Calm down!” Scott laughed as the bird dived down towards his head. “Can you take this to Oli in the Olipelligo.”

The bird tweeted and zoomed out of Scott's window. The cyan haired man sighed as he sat back down, pulling the other letters towards him as he readied himself for another boring day as king.


Scott walled at the front of his group of people as he approached the festival grounds. He had his eyes set on the group of tents and stands clustered across from the mysterious purple rift, and as she made his way closer, his group merged with the desert people. Scott immediately started looking around for Tumble Town's leader, and he soon spotted him.

Scott took a few seconds to appreciate Jimmy, observing his fluffy blond hair with his hat balanced on top of his head. The cyan haired man slowly crept up behind the sheriff, who was in deep conversation with his deputy, and lifted his hands up with a smirk. Scott suddenly grabbed onto Jimmy's shoulders, and the sheriff  jolted and let out a high pitch scream.

Scott laughed loudly, and Jimmy turned around to give the ruler of Chromia a half-hearted glare. Jimmy shoved Scott in the shoulder before turning back to his deputy, Sarah. Jimmy opened his mouth to talk to Sarah, but she stopped him and walked away with a knowing glance thrown back at the two. Jimmy blushed furiously, and Scott took the option of pretending that he hadn't seen.

“Hey Scott.” Jimmy said, making it very clear that Scott wasn't to mention what had just transpired.

“Sheriff.” Scott said with a nod, and Jimmy grinned.

“Finally giving me some respect?” Jimmy asked, and Scott winked.

“Only what you deserve, Jimmy.” Scott said with a smile.

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