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Mia walked up to the Manor gate, watching it as it opened to let her in.

Uhm. Someone must have been watching out for her to arrive.

It had been easy to find the Manor, as everyone she had met for directions had given her precise ones, that led directly here.

Going through the gates, Mia let out a gasp at her first real glimpse of the Manor. It was so majestic, it almost took her breath away.

It was like a gray castle with its high turrets, and numerous windows.

Before she could sink more into its beauty, a shadow suddenly appeared next to her.

Startled, Mia looked up to see a tall black man with closed-shaven hair.

"Hi, I'm Justice. The Alpha told me to escort you to the meeting room"

Then he moved forward, his long strides eating up the ground, forcing her to jog to catch up.

They went through the main entrance of the castle, going through a few turns till he stopped them in front of a wooden door.

"Go in. The Alpha is waiting," He stated, opening the door to let her in, before closing it gently behind her.

Mia stood in a spacious room, with a big throne-like chair in front, and couches and high back chairs littered around the room.

Someone was seated on one of the couches, and as she stepped fully into the room, the person stood up, revealing a tall, muscular figure.

Mia stood rooted in place, her stomach muscles clenching as she studied the person in front of her.

He was handsome, not in a beauty model kind of way, but in a rugged way.

The plains of his face were harsh, his jaw hard and square, his lips thin and wide, but still looking soft and kissable, his nose a little bit shifted, like it had been broken before, and his harsh, blue-gray eyes, like the Arctic.

Everything came together to form a wild sort of beauty that held Mia's breath, but it was the familiarity she felt as she gazed into his eyes that brought her back to her senses.

Mia observed him, as he in turn observed her, his eyes running past her dark brown hair, touching her breasts for a second, before going down to her hips, then her legs, before coming back to her eyes.

His perusal of her made her feel like she was naked, and liquid heat was already forming between her thighs, causing her to shift her legs uncomfortably.

Now is not the time to get turned on Mia! She shouted at herself internally.

"Hello Mia" He spoke, and f**k if she didn't get wetter from the sound of his voice.

The baritone was raspy and familiar, but she couldn't place it.

She wasn't sure she had met him before, if not she would remember, right?

"Hello-?" She replied in question. She didn't know who he was.

"I'm Aaron, Alpha of the Nyx pack" He answered, chuckling softly.

"Hello, Alpha Aaron," Mia replied, bowing slightly, then straightened.

"I was informed you wanted to see me Alpha, so how may I help you?"

Aaron prowled closer to her, causing her to instinctively step back, till her back met the door handle.

It was just instinct for her to step back from all that powerful energy the Alpha was emitting.

MIA: A WEREWOLF'S CURSEWhere stories live. Discover now