★ Bad after taste ★

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✦ Sera's POV ✦

It was now 6:30, my eyes were puffy from crying but knowing everything was fixed I felt peace in my heart. While I was exiting my house I received a phone call, knowing it was Bill I was excited.
it was odd though, it wasn't bill. It was Tom.

Sera: "Hello Tom how are you?" I was happy to hear him.
Tom: "hey sera, I'm good just hung over" he said with a drowsy and raspy voice.
Sera: "Then what are you doing up so early?" I said chuckling.
Tom: "well, bill is also hungover and he is knocked OUT"
Tom: "I know he wants to call you every morning before school, but I don't think he will right now he's basically dead" Tom said laughing.

Sera: "So you called me instead?" I said with a smile.
Tom: "yeah, that way you won't miss us much today" Tom said teasingly.
Sera: "You are so sweet Tom" I said in a warm tone.
Tom: "i know, but my eyes are shutting down on its own and we have to leave for another city today to so I'm going back to sleep"
Tom: "Have a good day at school Sera" Tom said.
Sera: "thank you Tom, sleep well"

Tom is one of my best friends, other than bill. I don't know what I would do without them and they are all I need.

As I hanged up, i saw someone walking towards me. It was Nathan.

Nathan: "who was that?" He said as he got next to me, smiling.
Sera: "it's Tom" i said trying to avoid him
Nathan : "I thought you were dating bill" he said smirking
Nathan: "Are you playing both of them?" he said, putting his arm around me playfully.
Sera: "Tom is my friend too" I said with an annoyed face. I hated people who I wasn't close with touching me. Especially males.
Sera: "wait why are you here?" I asked
Nathan: "i heard you lived around here" he said playfully.
Sera: "that's fucking creepy though" i said looking scared.
Nathan: " No, no, nothing creepy" he said.

Sera: "look thank you for buying food and all but I don't think we should be friends. I'm just gonna walk with you right now since we heading the same way but after that just don't talk to me" I said rudely. I felt bad for saying it but he was starting to get on my nerves.
Nathan: "Can I object?" He said giving me puppy eyes.
Nathan: "did your boyfriend tell you to do this" his gaze quickly changed to angry.
Sera: "you are very clingy okay? Just don't give me a hard time with this."
Nathan: "this is why you have no friends, i only tried to be friends with you out of pity " he said rolling his eyes.
Sera: " OH NOOOO oh my god how could you say such hurtful things" i said in a sarcastic tone.
Sera: "I don't care" I said walking faster.

As we arrived at the gate for school he got in front of me and looked at me with his deep blue eyes. He put both of his hands on top of my shoulder and it looked like he was going to kiss me.

Nathan: "See you after school?" He said

"no" I said as I took his hands off me and walked off to my class.
"Why is he so CLINGY?" I shouted, making sure he could hear me.

At first, I wanted to avoid him for bill, I know he was jealous but after this I just know he's not good news.

It was science class, one more class and I would be free.

I always sat next to the window, this class had little people In it so I was alone in my space. As I was watching the window outside I saw Nathan and a couple of his friends skipping class. They were really dumb though. They decided to skip class and go to the small garden outside the window, where if you were close enough you could hear them.

Nathan pulled out a joint and started passing it around with the rest.

"So how is it going with the girl?" A guy with black hair said, exhaling smoke.
"Easy. She has a boyfriend but I'm pretty sure she's slutting around with the boyfriend's brother" he said smirking.
"But don't get me wrong, I actually like her. Just knowing that is going to make everything easier"
"anyway if she wont like me i can make her like me by force"

"I don't see it, I think there are better looking girls out there. Especially easier" The same guy replied.

"She's just playing hard to get, but I know she's just joking," Nathan says, taking a hit.
"I heard she's a slut anyway"

That actually hurt me. Wow.  Where did he even hear I was a slut?! He actually didn't want to be my friend, which I'm glad but now there are more issues.

I don't snitch but I think that dumbass deserves it. I walked up to my teacher and told him that there were kids Smoking joints. My teacher sprang up and walked towards the window where he saw them. I made my way to math class with Ariel once again and I told her everything, her comfort was nice.
Ariel: " babe, THAT guy is outside"she said moving her eyes to the door
Sera: "fuck" i said as I realized Nathan was waiting on me.
I started to walk towards him, the smirk he had made me want to beat the shit out of him.

Sera: "i heard you got in trouble for smoking" i said smirking.
Nathan: "how did you know? I guess word gets out fast, or maybe you are just obsessed with me that you know everything." He said putting his arm around me.

Sera: "don't you get it? Didn't we talk about this last time. I have a boyfriend and I don't want you! Take a hint." I said, shoving him off.

Nathan: "I'm just being friendly" he said with an upset face.
Sera: "i thought we could actually be friend but you are disgusting"
Sera: " You said i was obsessed with you? i was the one who snitched you out, i heard everything to" i said looking directly into his eyes.
Sera: "And if you don't leave me the fuck alone I'm going to say you and your friends were doing cocaine, who would they believe? You or me?"

Nathan: " fuck you"
Nathan: "I didn't even like you" he said walking away.

I hate him.

Ariel: " wow I didn't even mean to hear that" she said standing next to me.
Sera: "I just pulled that out of my ass, I don't even know if they would believe me" I was scared
Ariel: "let me walk you home tonight just so you are more safe" she said smiling and putting her arm around me while walking.

Sera: "thank you Ariel" i said sighting in relief.

Ariel and I lived close so she dropped me off at my house. I opened my window and I started to smoke my cigarette. It was a disgusting habit that I was trying to quit, but it did make me feel better. My phone rang and it was bill.

Sera: "Hi bill" I said in a soft voice trying to hold onto my tears. seeing his name made me choke up, he always unconsciously knows when to call.
Bill: "hey sera, I'm sorry I didn't call you in the morning" he said in shame.
Sera: "bill, you don't have to worry at all, anyways Tom called me" i said wiping my tears away
Bill: "I'm glad sera, but you sound sad"
Sera: "yeah its just i miss you, i know its been 3 days but its still a lot for me"
Bill: "time will pass by fast okay"
Sera: "okay i will wait for you, but are you having fun"
Bill: "yeah a lot! I miss you but I'm making sure to enjoy this time"
Sera: "good, anyways i have to go i need to do some work" i said changing the topic.
Bill: "yeah i have to take a flight but see you soon love"

I'm glad he's having a good time, that's what I would want for him, I just don't want him to forget me. I didn't want to make him worry about me so I didn't tell him the Nathan thing. It's just a waste of time anyway. He helped me a lot just by talking with me, that's how i know he's my true love.

☆Updating a new chapter later on today (since this one was kind of boring) ☆ ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ Should i continue this series??? (っ˘ڡ˘ς) THank you for reading Pookies!!!!

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