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"Is it the virus?" Elle asks in the ambulance.

"There's no bleeding, looks like he's having a severe reaction to the shot we gave him. He's going into anaphylactic shock. Get me epinephrine!" Dr. Lee replies.

"Hey! Can we get some help over here, please? Right now!" Nolan calls. "Gun!" 

Elle looks up when she hears the sound of gunshots. 

"you got that rifle right?" Lucy asks, before she exits the ambulance.

"give me thirty seconds" Elle nods, taking off her portable foldable rifle and starting to unpack it. 

Elle gets the rifle sets up and opens the back ambulance door just enough to line her gun up with the woman holding the semi-automatic rifle and shoot her in the shoulder. The woman is hit back but still starts to fire at Nolan. Elle feels a presence behind her and Tim shoots over Elle's head and hits the woman's other shoulder.

"Sir?" Elle whips around. "you're okay?"

"all things considered" Tim shrugs. "are you?"

"I should've shot her hand" Elle says.

"I should've taken yesterday off" Tim smirks as he hops out of the ambulance.

Elle smiles and shakes her head.

[Two Weeks Later]

"Nolan, I'm about to put the twins down" Elle calls, entering the living room where Nolan is working on the new house.

After what happened to Ben, Nolan couldn't stand endangering him any further so he and Elle pooled their money and found a house up on a hill. It's definitely a fixer upper but neither Elle or Nolan mind.

"I want to read the story!" Nolan exclaims, putting the hammer down.

"we can't read Llama Llama Red Pajama for forever" Elle says as she follows him into the nursery.

"why not? it's a classic" Nolan grins.

"cause they won't fall asleep to it eventually" Elle giggles. 

"then I'll whip out some of my construction projects" Nolan says, picking up Dashia.

"hi there, you miss Uncle Nolan?" Nolan asks, spinning Dashia around who squeals and laughs. 

Elle smiles, picking up Sasha.

"you ready?" Elle asks, as they both sit down on the floor.

"so ready" Nolan nods, eagerly, picking up Llama Llama Red Pajama.

"Llama Llama

red Pajama

reads a story

with his mama"

Elle misses Jessica standing the doorway, sending a jealous glare Elle's way.

[12 Hours Later]

Elle is sitting next to Jackson at the start of roll call when Grey enters and writes down four numbers:

81, 92, 97, 100

"All right. Shake off the rust and grab a seat. Anyone want to guess what these numbers represent?" Grey starts.

"Nolan." Grey calls on him when he raises his hand.

"Those are the scores to our six-month exams." Nolan responds.

"That is correct, Officer Nolan." Grey nods.

"Oh! We all passed." Lucy squeals.

"Technically, yes, but that 81 is ugly, given that an 80 is basically an F." Grey responds.

The Philocalist 〰 ♡ 〰 Volume TwoWhere stories live. Discover now