The Overnight

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"hey, what are you doing?" Elle asks, when she gets back from her walk with the twins to see Nolan getting ready to go out.

Nolan freezes from where he's putting on his shoes.

"you're back" Nolan realizes.

"yeah" Elle giggles, unbuckling the twins out of the stroller.

"I thought it might be a while longer" Nolan says.

"I was going to do the whole two miles but Dashia accidentally spilled all of my water and Sasha was getting fussy so I decided one mile was enough for the day" Elle explains, setting Sasha then Dashia down in their play pen in the living room.

"makes sense" Nolan nods.

"you never answered my question" Elle smiles.

"what was the question?" Nolan asks.

"where are you going?" Elle inquires, curiously, amused that Nolan forgot her question so quickly.

"right, right, um, the hospital" Nolan answers.

"you and Grace have a date?" Elle frowns. "I'm sorry, I could've taken the kids somewhere today so you could have the house"

"no, no, it's not a um date" Nolan says.

"oh, then what's going on?" Elle asks.

"I'm giving blood today" Nolan explains. 

"oh, that's great" Elle smiles. "are you going with anyone? because I was going to invite Lucy over for a movie later but I won't if she's tagging along"

"yeah, actually, the whole day shift is going" Nolan answers.

Elle is quiet for a minute "oh"

Elle's blood sugar levels have been fluctuating a lot lately, so her doctor has upped her medication but has temporarily put a ban on giving blood.

"yeah" Nolan nods. "but, listen, it's not your fault at all that you can't give blood"

"I know I just..." Elle trails off.

"you wanna be helpful, I get it" Nolan says. 

"okay, well, I'll see you later then" Elle murmurs.

"bye" Nolan says before leaving.

"bye" Elle whispers, a frown gracing her lips.

However, her frown is almost immediately turned upside down.

"mama" Sasha whispers.

Elle gasps. "did you just-"

Elle walks over to Sasha and picks her up.

"mama" Sasha mutter contentedly, getting situated in Elle's arms. 

Elle grins from ear to ear and kisses Sasha's forehead.

[Twenty Hours Later]

Elle's been working night shifts with Angela and Jackson, so during the day she watches the twins and after Max is done with school, she's been taking him out for different fun things to. 

But her car has started to make some odd noises so Elle decided to go to an auto shop to check it out. She's waiting in line when the person in front of her starts arguing with the man behind the counter about the price.

"$2,000. That's final." Yuri, the man behind the counter insists.

"That's not what you quoted me! I'm not giving you a penny more than $500!" The man exclaims.

"$2,000! No pay, no car! I keep!" Yuri warns.

"Like hell you will. Say hello to William Snakespeare, bitch!" The customer pulls a snake out of his backpack and waves it at Yuri.

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