Under the Gun

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"You got a problem." Grey says, walking over to Elle, Jackson, and Angela.

"All three of us?" Angela asks.

"No, just you. In the attempt to combat the high cost of civil litigation, the LAPD has adopted a pilot program which uses an algorithm to target officers who are most likely to get sued." Grey starts.

"really, sir?" Elle inquires.

"Yeah. They hired a tech company run by a supposed genius -- Elvis Grimaldi." Grey says.

"All due respect, why do we care what this dude thinks?" Angela questions.

"Because he flagged you as the most problematic officer in this station, and he's got the Chief's ear." Grey says.

"Come on, Sarge. I just got the tap for detective. I'll get passed over if this guy dings me." Angela complains.

"Which is why I got him to agree to spend a day with you, collect more data for his "algorithm." So you are going to show him you are a by-the-book cop with love in her heart. Take only the tame calls, and give him the answers he wants to hear. You might just skate through this thing." Grey answers before walking away.

"we got this, ma'am" Elle promises Angela. "we can-"

Elle stops herself, spotting someone from across the bullpen.

"what?" Angela asks, following Elle's gaze to a tall man who looks oddly similar to Elle.

However, Elle bristles, looking angrier than Angela than Elle has ever seen her.

"Alexander!" Elle calls, gaining the man's attention.

Alexander, Elle's big brother, turns around when he hears her little sister's angry voice.

"Eleonora!" Alexander says in a thick Russian accent with a smile on his face.

"what the hell are you doing here?" Elle asks.

It draws everyone's attention because Elle doesn't curse. 

"Elle, it's been so long" Alexander grins.

"I won't repeat myself, what the hell are you doing here?" Elle questions. 

"I came to see my kids" Alexander answers.

"I'm not letting you within a mile of my kids" Elle responds.

"they're not your kids" Alexander frowns.

"they sure seemed like my kids when you left them on my door!" Elle exclaims.

"Solokov, Grimaldi is coming down right now" Grey warns.

Elle whirls around at Grey's warning before turning back to Alexander.

"they're my kids, and you won't be seeing them over my dead body" Elle hisses before following after Angela and Jackson.

"there's mama bear" Angela grins.

[Ten Minutes Later]

"So, I made some calls. This Grimaldi guy made a fortune on a dating app that he sold to Google. Claims his algorithm is so good that it can predict compatibility with a 90% success rate." Jackson says.

"Bull." Angela scoffs.

"Maybe. But rumor is Bieber used it to land Hailey." Jackson says.

"who?" Elle asks but then Mr. Grimaldi approaches them.

"You the brain messing with my livelihood?" Angela asks Mr. Grimaldi.

"Mr. Grimaldi, I am Officer West. This is my training officer, Officer Lopez and fellow rookie, Officer Solokov." Jackson introduces.

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