Chapter 1

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Khushi..... Khushi.... wake up.....

Waking up from her sleep, she sits on her bed, closing her eyes and folding her hands.

Khushi - Hey devi maiyya, please make everything go well today.

Meanwhile, a lady comes to Khushi's room.

Garima - Half of the morning passes away by waking you up. Get ready fast, else you will be late.

Khushi smiling goes to her - Amma, why are you worrying so much. It's me who should be tensed.

Garima - Hey bhagwan, look at this girl, she is having exam, but here I'm tensed.

Khushi - Don't worry Amma, I will definetely pass all the exams.

Meanwhile, a man comes to the room.

Khushi - Papa.....

Saying she goes to him and hugs him.

Garima - Shashiji, I'm telling you she will fail the exam.

Shashi - No way, my daughter is the topper. How can topper of the class fail. Hein na beta?

Khushi hi-fying her father's palm - Yep papa.

Garima - Inorder to pass the exam, she need to write first. If she keeps chatting here like this, then she will be late and I highly doubt that she will even attempt.

Shashi - Go beta, go and freshen up fast.

Khushi goes to washroom, to freshenup.

Khushi Kumari Gupta, daughter of Shashi Gupta and Garima Gupta. She is the only daughter. A sweet, simple and straightforward girl. She is doing her Masters in Business Administration in Business Analytics. She has best friends named Lavanya and Aman. Lavanya and Khushi are childhood pals. Whereas, Aman and Khushi became friends when she helped him when he met with an accident. From then they became bestest friends. It's been 3 years that their friendship started.

Khushi comes out freshening up in a peach colour salwar suit with her hair tied into a pony. She checks her bag, whether she kept everything or not. And one book in her other hand, she is revising all the topics.

Garima - Now you are studying. A good student never studies till last minute. They will be ready, whenever the exam is conducted.

Khushi sighes and sits on the dining table, having her breakfast while studying other hand. Meanwhile, Garima comes and closes her books.

Khushi frowning - Amma...

Garima - What amma. How many times I have to tell you to not study while eating, whatever you read it will not get into your head and whatever you eat, it will not give you any energy.

Khushi - Wow... did you do any research and thesis regarding this?

Garima - Shut up and have breakfast fast.

Shashi is packing all her pens, pencils, and stationary in her bag. Meanwhile, they hear a horn sound.

A girl with dimple smile comes inside in blue jean and a white kurthi with her hair left open.

Shashi - Lavanya...

Lavanya - Good morning uncle.

Shashi - Good morning. Did you prepare well for the exam?

Lavanya - Not like your daughter to top, but ha, I will definetely pass.

Shashi - Being a topper doesn't matter, what knowledge you gained is important.

Khushi coming to them - That's why even if I fail, I have no worries.

Lavanya - You never fail and don't lie.

Khushi - Lie??

Lavanya - You tell I didn't study anything and fill up answer sheets one by one. I highly doubt, you write Ramayan or Mahabharata. By I complete one additional you will be with your third one. You can't cheat me okay.

Khushi - Arey, I don't write answers, I write nonsense.

Lavanya - And you get 92 percent. Do I look like a fool?

Before Khushi speak, Garima - Arey, don't you girls want to write your exam, it's already late go.

When they are about to go, Garima stops them and ties a red thread to Khushi's and Lavanya's right hand wrist. She applies tika on their foreheads. And wishes them all the best. Bidding bye to Shashi and Garima, Khushi and Lavanya start to their college on Lavanya's scooty.

While, they are going to the other side of the road, a car from no where comes, Lavanya and Khushi widen their eyes, Lavanya tries to move to the left, but unfortunately she hits the current pole, and both Khushi and Lavanya fall down.

Lavanya and Khushi get up. Lavanya lifts her scooty and places the centre stand for the scooty. She checks whether the scooty is fine or not.

Meanwhile, a man comes out from the car in blue jean and black shirt tucked in. He removes his goggles.

Crowd gather around them and keep looking at them.

Khushi unable to tolerate her anger - Can't you see and drive? Are you blind or what?

Man - Excuse me. You came suddenly from no where? And now you are blaming me.

Khushi - You are driving in such a speed that you couldn't even control it.

Man - You're talking nonsense.

Khushi - I'm talking nonsense. It's you who is talking nonsense.

Man - Watch your tone.

Khushi - I will not. What you will do?

Lavanya - Khushi stop let's go. We are getting late.

Khushi - Wait Lavanya.

Saying she turns around to see everyone are looking at them.

Khushi - What are you all looking at? Don't you have any work?

Turning to the man, Khushi - Tell me what will you do?

Man - You can't even imagine what this Arnav Singh Raizada can do. But I don't waste my time thinking about like you people. It's my fault that I stopped to see if you are okay or not.

Khushi - We don't need your pity okay. And what are you......

Cut by Lavanya - Khushi enough, we are getting late for exam.

Khushi gaspes, and in a minute, Khushi and Lavanya collect all their things that are scattered and go away from there. Arnav looking at them, gritts his teeth, goes to his car and drives away from there.

They reach the college 5 minutes late and the exam started.

Khushi and Lavanya request the invigilator.

Khushi - Please sir, we met with an accident, that's why we are late.

Invigilator - Really? Didn't you get any other reason, this is an old one.

Lavanya - Sir, we aren't lying, if you want you can check our scooty. It's head lights are damaged and there are scratches.

Khushi - Please sir... please sir... it's already late.

Invigilator - Okay, I will allow you inside, but I'm not gonna give you guys extra time. Understand?

Khushi and Lavanya - Thank you so much sir.

Saying they go inside to give their exam.

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