Chapter 17

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Arnav comes out of washroom freshening up, meanwhile Khushi comes inside. Both of them look at each other. Khushi taking a pillow, a bedsheet and a blanket goes to the pool side. Arnav frowns looking at her. She places the pillow on the floor, spreads a bed sheet on the floor and lays down on the ground opposite to the pool. Arnav now gets angry looking at her. He goes to her.

Arnav - What are you doing?

Khushi looks at him - Umm.. sleeping.

Arnav - Why are you sleeping here?

Khushi - Woh.. I like cool breeze.

Arnav - Stop this nonsense. And come with me.

Khushi - But....

Arnav holds her wrist and makes her stand up. He pulls her with him into the room.

Arnav - Sleep on the bed.

Khushi - But... I

Arnav - Stop making fuss and do as I say.

Khushi looks at him, Arnav turns and closes the french doors. He again looks at Khushi who is still standing. He goes to her. Khushi looks at him with tears in her eyes.

Khushi whispers - I'm sorry.

Arnav gets worried now, he cups her face in both his palms - What happened Khushi?

Khushi - I'm sorry, it is because of me that you ended up in this situation. I.. I'm really sorry.

Arnav - Who told you?

Khushi - Who should say? I know it. If I was married to Sid then you wouldn't be forced to get married to me.

Arnav gritts his teeth - Never tie up your name with that idiot. Do you get it?

Khushi looks at him blinking her eyes.

Arnav - And what do you think? Can anyone force me to do anything?

Khushi keeps looking at him.

Arnav - Stop blaming yourself unnecessarily. And go to bed.

Stroking her cheek with his thumb. He leaves her and goes to the other side of the bed.

Khushi - Are you sleeping on the same bed?

Arnav - Yeah. Why? do you have any problem?

Khushi - No not at all.

Arnav switching off the lights goes and lays on his side. Khushi also lays on her side. After a few minutes, Arnav falls asleep. Khushi looks at his even breathing and concludes that he is sleeping. Slowly getting up from bed. She goes to the recliner and sleeps on it.

Next morning -

Aman drives to Shantivan he is at the entrance driving inside. Meanwhile, a scooty from behind hits his car. Thinking who it can be, he gets down and sees Lavanya being fell on the ground along with her scooty. He goes and makes her stand and lifts her scooty up.

Aman - Are you okay?

Lavanya - No I'm not. Can't you see.

Aman frowns and looks at her leg where there is a scratch on her foot and the red flesh can be seen.

Aman - You should've been careful.

Lavanya - Oh really. I should've dreamt that you will pull a brake suddenly, then I would've been okay. She hisses in pain.

Aman looks at her with a blank expression. He had never heard her in  irritative tone. And no doubt she is Khushi's friend. How can he be so wrong? Khushi's friend will definetely have some similarities with her. Wait, does it mean, He's also so clumsy?

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