Chapter 2

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Arnav is a successful businessman. Who had expanded and raised AR to heights. Eventhough it's a family business, it's not so popular as it is now. His grandfather started it as a small garment shop. Arnav completed his masters in London with the help of scholarship. He met Aman who is an orphan in his higher school, and they became best friends. He's Arnav's best friend come PA who is working in the same office. Both of them are besties from childhood. Other than Aman, Arnav has no friends. He took over his family's business after completing his studies, and expanded the business globally.

He goes to his office AR designs. He goes in and seeing him everyone stands and wishes him, Good morning. He doesn't reply to any of them and straight away goes to his cabin. He sits on the chair and closes his eyes, leaning back.
Meanwhile, he hears a knock on the door. He opens his eyes, and signs the person to come in by noding his head.
A girl in a short dress above her knees come inside and sit in a chair infront of his table.

Arnav - What are you doing here Lisa?

Lisa - Oh, ASR. I'm here to see whether you are fine or not.

Arnav - You are just an employee here and act like one. I don't mix profession with the personal relation understand. I gave you a job here as you are my friend. I've warned you many times, if you act like this again, then I'll not even think of firing you.

Lisa - Offo, why are you irritated like this, shall I bring you coffee.

Arnav - Leave.

Lisa goes near him and tries to cup his cheek, to which Arnav flinches her hands.

Arnav who is controlling his anger, burst out - Just get out dammit.

He shouts, hearing him Lisa jerks and goes away silently. Everyone in the office are astonished. What happened? Why is their boss so angry today? They need to be careful around him, if any minor mistake, then they have to become a prey for his anger.

Aman comes inside Arnav's cabin directly, as only he is allowed to enter anytime.

Aman - What happened Arnie?

Arnav - What's wrong with this Lisa? I already told you that we shouldn't give jobs based on personal note.

Aman - What happened now? Did she try to irritate you?

Arnav - Already I'm irritated as hell, and now on top of that, she made it worse.

Aman - Why are you so irritated?

Arnav - That girl look at her guts. How dare she?

Aman - Which girl are you talking about?

Arnav - I don't know.

Aman - What?

Aman looks at him as if he's gone mad, he goes near him and places his palm on his forehead, and holding his wrist, he checks his pulse.

Arnav - What are you doing Aman?

Aman - You are talking something, which is not at all a subject in your syllabus. I mean ASR, who doesn't bother about anything, is now bothered because of a girl and don't know who she is.

Arnav - Shut up Aman. That girl she came in a wrong manner, and how dare she shout at me.

He tells him everything that happened.

Aman in a dramatic way, closes his mouth with his palm - What she shouted at you?

Arnav - Yes.

Aman - And you didn't do anything, wow what a progress man.

Arnav frowning - What progress? If I see her again then I promise I'll make her pay for whatever she did.

Aman - Arey, leave it na. Atleast there should be one person who can stand and speak with you straight.

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