Chapter 5

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After a month, at AR -

Aman goes inside Arnav's cabin, and see that Arnav is working on his laptop.

Aman - Arnie..

Arnav looking up from laptop - Ha, Aman.

Aman - Today, new employees whom we selected from various colleges are coming.

Arnav - Ok.

Aman - So, we have an induction program, I'll be with them. If you need anything, just call me.

Arnav - Okay.

Aman goes away to the meeting room, and asks a manager to bring all the freshers there. The manager escort everyone there. Everyone are sitted on the chairs. And Aman is standing in front of them.

Aman - Good Morning everyone. This is Aman Mathur.

Everyone - Good morning sir.

Aman - It's really good to have fresh and innovative talents here. As you all know that AR is one of the most renowned fashion house in the country. So, how does it feel to be here?

Everyone - Excited sir.

Aman - You guys need to be punctual. You should be dedicated to work under pressure. And most importantly, if we do not find you compatible in the 6 month training period, you will have to leave your job. And the one's who stand by, will have to work for atleast 2 years as you have signed the bond. Hope I'm clear with everything. Any doubts, don't hesitate to ask your managers and team leaders. Be sportive and work hard. All the very best.

Everyone - Thank you sir.

Everyone get up, Aman seggregate them according to the departments and handover them to the respected team leaders. Meanwhile, he sees Khushi who is talking to Lavanya. Aman goes near her and taps on her shoulder.

Aman - Hey.

Khushi - Hi.

Aman - So, finally you are at AR.

Khushi - Don't you really know that I was placed here.

Aman - I didn't even have an idea. Actually in this monsoon season, we will have high sales, so I was busy the whole last month.

Khushi - I understand Mr. Workaholic.

They both chuckle, Khushi look at Lavanya.

Khushi - This is Lavanya, my friend.

Aman - Hi Lavanya.

Lavanya - Hello sir.

Aman - Khushi, you are working under...

Khushi - Lisa sir, under Brand manager.

Aman - Sir??

Khushi - Ha, I shouldn't be an exception. When everyone here calls you sir, I will also address you the same.

Aman - It's awkward.... anyway, arguing with you is waste of time.

Khushi and Lavanaya chuckle looking at him.

They disperse to their work. As it is the first day for them, they were taught the rules and regulations of the company. Khushi and Lavanya meet a guy named Siddharth, who happens to be their school friend. They become pals. Khushi, Siddharth and Lavanya are from the same team.

Lisa - You all need to do whatever I tell, get that. Any one who tries to back answer me or ignore my talks and orders will be fired immediately. So, be careful with me.

Everyone nod their heads - Ok mam.

Lisa pointing her finger to Khushi, signs her to get up.

Lisa - You, come here.

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