Chapter 20

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Khushi from the time she got to know that Shalini is having low BP. She makes sure that Shalini takes her tablet every morning after breakfast. She herself will give it to Shalini. But, Shalini finds Khushi being bored at home. Although she is involved with house chores. She didn't like Khushi to be bored. Shalini goes to Arshi's room.

Shalini - Khushi..

Khushi who is watering the plants at pool side, hears her name and comes into the room.

Khushi - Ji ma.

Shalini - What are you doing?

Khushi - Nothing ma, watering plants.

Shalini - Come let's do gardening together.

Both of them go to the pool side, Khushi is filling a pot with mud for a new plant and Shalini is watering the other plants.

Shalini - Khushi are you bored staying at home?

Khushi - Ji ma. I've got job immediately after my graduation. And I'm not used to stay at home idle.

Shalini - Would you like to work?

Khushi - Yes ma. But...

Shalini goes near her - What happened beta?

Khushi - I will have to search for a new one.

Shalini - Why? you are already working at AR no?

Khushi - Ma, the thing is that. What will others think if I..

Shalini - Khushi, it's your life. Live it as you want. Don't think about others and their opinions. You have to think about the one's who respect your intentions.

Khushi smiles looking at her and nods her head. Meanwhile, Manorama calls Shalini from downstairs. Patting Khushi's head, she goes down.

At some pub  -

Lisa and Tina are drinking alcohol,  sitting opposite to each other.

Lisa - What?? Khushi is married to ASR?

Tina - Yes.

Lisa - What rubbish are you talking?

Tina - ASR, himself declared it infront of everyone.

Lisa goes away from the pub and fumes in anger. She never thought that her plan would backfire like this.

At AR -

Arnav is working on his laptop in his cabin. Aman come inside and sits on the chair opposite to Arnav.

Aman - Arnie, come on yaar. We are getting late. Look it's already 7pm.

Arnav - Yep, give me a minute Aman. I'm almost done.

Aman - Don't know how Khushi will tolerate you?

Arnav - What's there to tolerate?

Saying he shuts his laptop.

Aman - You will get to know in future. Why hurry?

Arnav rolls his eyes - Shall we go now?

They walk to the parking lot chatting, get into the car and drive to Shantivan.

Arnav - Aman, I'll give you that file today. You directly go to the meeting venue tomorrow.

Aman - Okay man.

Both of them walk inside and find no one around.

Arnav - Hariprakash..

HP comes to him from the kitchen.

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