Chapter 8

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Khushi is lying on her bed and thinking about Siddharth and his proposal.

What should I tell him? It's not like he is not good person. He is totally nice. He never misbehaved with me or anyother girl at the office. There's no reason to tell no. And amma is behind my marriage. What to do? Arghh... why is this so tuff man. She huffs, turn to the other side, turn off the lamp and closes her eyes to get sleep.

Next morning, as usual Khushi reaches AR. They are kept busy with work. It's lunch time, Khushi is still working. Lavanya comes to her.

Lavanya - Khushi, it's lunch time. Come let's go.

Khushi - 5 minutes Lavanya.

She completes her excel sheet and relaxes her hands, by stretching them.

Khushi smiles - Hogaya. Come let's go.

Both of them go to cafeteria, where Siddharth is waiting for them. They order their food, and wait. Until then they talk about random stuff. Till this moment Siddharth didn't talk to her about his proposal. Khushi felt so happy, as he isn't compelling her. She understood him as a guy with patience. Their food arrives and they have it. While eating, there is gravy at the corner of his lips.

Khushi signals with her finger towards her corner lips looking at him, signing that something is there on his, he wipes a little far to it, and asks her whether it is wiped off. Khushi sighs, takes a tissue and wipes his lips. Lavanya raises her eyebrows looking at them and starts grinning. Meanwhile, Arnav who came down to take his coffee, saw both of them. Gritting his teeth, and clutching his jaw, he throws the coffee cup.

Everyone look at him stunned. And Khushi jerks hearing the broken cup sound. She looks at him. And turns away.

Khushi to herself - Aagaya Rakshas.

Arnav goes to her, Khushi looks at him coming near her, she thinks whether she did anything wrong. And silently prays to her devimaiyya. Arnav goes and stands infront of her. Seeing him, Lavanya and Siddharth get up. Khushi also gets up slowly from her chair.

Arnav - Khushi

Khushi looks at him - Sir.

Arnav - After having lunch, come to my cabin.

Khushi nods her head - Okay sir.

Arnav goes away from there glaring at Siddharth.

Lavanya - Did you do anything now?

Khushi - No, I didn't.

Siddharth - Then why is he asking you to come?

Khushi - Who knows, I was with you guys only from the morning.

Lavanya - Looks like he is angry about something. Better be careful with him.

At Arnav's cabin -

Aman sees him entering his cabin in an angry mood. Arnav goes inside his cabin, sits on his chair and closes his eyes, leaning back. Aman comes into his cabin.

Aman - Arnie...

Arnav - Thank god Aman you came. I need to discuss something important with you.

Aman - Is everything okay? Did any employee make any mistake?

Arnav - No, but listen. I need a PA.

Aman - What, I'm there na.

Arnav - Yes, you are there, but I don't want to stress you. The Italy clients are coming here for a month. I want you to be with them, and look after everything perfectly. Until then to look after things here, I need a person.

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