Chapter 18

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Khushi comes downstairs and takes Shalini's blessings.

Aman - Hello Khushi..

Khushi - Hi Aman.

Lavanya goes and hugs her tight. Shalini takes Khushi to the goddess Idol. Aman and Lavanya follow them, meanwhile, Manorama, Manohar and Aakash also come there. Shalini asks Khushi to do the pooja and aarti. She does it. After completing the pooja.

Khushi - Ma, we've done pooja without Arnav.

Shalini - He doesn't believe in all these beta.

Aman - He never participates in any of these.

Khushi nods knowing her husband. Everyone move to the dining. Lavanya walks along with Khushi a little away from everyone.

Lavanya - Are you okay?

Khushi - Hmm..

Lavanya - They aren't treating you bad right?

Khushi - Any girl would dream of coming to a family like this Lavanya.

Lavanya hugs her tight - Stay strong. Everything will be okay.

Khushi nods, she decides to go with the flow. Whatever is going to happen further in her life, she is going to face it.

Meanwhile, Arnav come down and sit for breakfast. Everyone settle. Khushi was about to serve everyone.

Shalini - Khushi, sit and have breakfast.

Khushi - I'll serve and then have later ma.

Manorama - Arey beta, we are habituated to serve ourselves. Sit along with us.

Khushi sits beside Arnav and has her breakfast. After breakfast everyone leave to their works. Khushi and Lavanya talk to eachother for a while. Lavanya calls her parents and they wish Khushi and tell her to be strong. Lavanya's parents live in Mumbai. Lavanya stay at Hostel in Delhi. After spending some time, Lavanya leaves as she is given half day leave for her to spend time with Khushi and keep her occupied. When Lavanya was about to leave. Manorama and Shalini come downstairs.

Shalini - Beta, we are going to hospital for checkup. We will be back in 2 hours.

Khushi - Ma, I'll also come along.

Shalini - Arey, it's okay beta. Mano is coming with me.

Manorama - You will be bored alone. Why don't you go to Arnav's office to give him lunch?

Lavanya - Yes Khushi. Come let's go.

Khushi - Ok mamiji.

Shalini - Careful beta. If he trouble you then tell me. I'll see him.

Khushi smiles. Manorama and Shalini go to hospital. Khushi after packing lunch, goes to AR along with Lavanya. The moment she stepped in AR, everyone started gossiping about Khushi. Everyone had seen their images around the social media. And they are in an illusion that Arnav terminated her.

Tina - Why did she come again?

Naina - Maybe, she doesn't want to leave ASR. He even made her his PA.

Isha - We need to learn from her. How did she even manage to seduce him..

Khushi closes her eyes tight hearing their talks. Lavanya holds her palm tight and walks inside. Arnav is in a meeting. He looks at Khushi who is waiting for him sitting on a sofa, through the glass wall.

Arnav - Let's wrap it here. I'm having an emergency see you guys later.

He ends the meeting, clients leave from there with question mark in their faces. What just happened? ASR, who never quits a meeting in between, now he himself ended the meeting and wrapped everthing so soon. He's very particular about every single detail. What happened to him now?

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