Chapter 11

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Arnav and Khushi come out from their trance, hearing the sound of a broken glass which is dropped by a waiter accidentally. Lisa goes away from there hearing the sound, before someone notice her. They stand straight. Arnav looks at the opposite side, and Khushi keeps looking down tucking her hair behind her ear.

Arnav looks at her - Are you okay?

Khushi nods her head - Yes sir.

Arnav sighes - What is this sir?

Khushi looks at him - You are my boss sir, and I should address you with respect.

Arnav - Here, neither I'm your boss, nor you're my employee. Do you get that?

Khushi - Ok ASR.

Arnav lets out a deep breath - What ASR? Call me Arnav. Okay.

Khushi - But, you don't like to be addressed as Arnav na.

Arnav - Who told you?

Khushi - Sid.

Arnav raises his one eyebrow and glares at her - Sid? Who is Sid?

Khushi - I mean Siddharth.

Arnav clutching his jaw - Looks like he became very close to you.

Khushi smiles - Yeah. And actually we are gonna get......

Her words are cut by Anjali who calls them.

Anjali - Khushi? Chote? What are you guys doing here?

Khushi - Actually I got a call Di.

Anjali smiles - Go fast otherwise, your icecream will melt.

Khushi's eyes lighten and she rushes inside.

Anjali smiles looking at her. She turns to Arnav and finds a small curve at the corner of his lips.

Anjali - Shall we go Mr. Smile?

Arnav frowns - Who is that?

Anjali - My chote bhai. You know he never smiles, only maintains a serious face like this.

Saying she crosses her arms across her chest, and looks at him with her lips pressed tightly together. And her eyebrows meet in the middle.

Anjali - But now, someone is smiling. I think that is my chote.

Arnav - I don't know what you're talking.

Saying he goes inside, where Anjali follows him, smiling.

Their dinner come to an end. And they bid bye to eachother and leave to their respective homes.

At Shantivan -

Arnav is standing at the pool side and looking at the stars.

What's happening to me? Why I'm feeling peace near her? Eventhough she's clumsy and talks a lot? Why I'm not irritated? Why am I thinking a lot when she become silent? What's all this?

Meanwhile Shalini comes to his room. And see Arnav at pool side. She goes and stands beside him and places her palm on his shoulder. Arnav looks at her.

Arnav - Ma, you here?

Shalini - What are you thinking chote?

Arnav - Nothing, just like that.

Shalini - Chote, why don't you get married?

Arnav turns to the pool - Ma please. I'm not interested.

Shalini - I liked Khushi a lot.

Arnav turns to her and looks at her stunned.

Shalini - She's an innocent and sweet child. I don't think she gets anger at all.

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