Birthday wishes Part 1

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Stef's: POV
I was outside in the backyard showing the caters we're to set everything up for Lena's thirty fourth birthday dinner this evening
Where expecting around 10 people. I didn't feel like cooking so l hired professional caters giving them a list of all Lena's favorites, her and francessa's out getting dolled up thanks to my father in law who convinced my wife to go out and do something special for herself after going back and forth Lena finally caved in. It's been a tough year for our family but things were slowly coming back together especially seeing how much my son Brandon has grown these last few months
He's just about tall as me, his voice even seems different. Making him living with Stewart wasn't half bad as we thought it would be, Brandon seemed to calm down quite a bit. I know Lena's gonna be so surprised once she sees how different Brandon looks, as for Francessa she still has her moments when she needs one of us around. She continues to go to therapy it helps her not keep things bottle up inside
I came back into the house after explaining to the catering crew we're to put the food at
The table was set up beautifully with Lena's favourite color lavender. I can't wait to see the look on her face when she sees everything, Brandon was sitting in the living room on the phone talking to somebody. I couldn't make out what they were saying, l'm not sure where Stewart disappeared off to maybe he went to pick up Lena and francessa from the beauty parlor. Brandon can you come here for a minute Stef says to her son, Brandon laid the cell phone down on the couch and got up then walked over to where l was standing. Yes mama he answered
Listen Brandon l would appreciate you not talking to your friends when the guest arrives , this is a very important day for your mom and I don't want nothing to ruin her special day. Anyway l'm gonna go upstairs to get showered and dressed if anybody rings the door bell show be a gracious host by taking their coats and offer them something to drink please keep everyone entertained until I come back
I shouldn't be too long did you bring your keyboard by any chance if not the DJ's should on his way over soon Stef stated
Mama I don't get why I can't talk to my friends while you guys are entertaining Brandon States coldly. Listen young man we don't ask much from me this is your mom we're talking about she does a lot for you, l don't live in the house with us but you will be respectful do l make myself clear
You're not too old to get your ass whip Stef said. Yes ma'am Brandon replies as he told his friend he'll call him back later on, the teenage boy couldn't understand why his mama was tripping, Stef heads up to the master bedroom to get ready before going into the bathroom she went over to the closet walked inside and put out two large gift bags full of presents for Lena. Stef kept them hidden deep in a storage tote

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