arriving at the cottage

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Amanda and I pulled up to the Foster Adams cottage. We exit the vehicle
Heading up the steps of the porch
And ring the bell, we waited anxiously for somebody to come to the door. When a red head older woman came and let us inside,
We walked through the house and took a seat. Can I offer you something
to drink, Sharon offers. I'll take a cup of coffee if it's not too much trouble
Olivia asks. Detective Rollins she was fine, Stefanie came downstairs and enter the living room. And greeted us
Mrs. Foster Adams handed me the picture of the drawn her wife drew  
Lena believes that's the house where he's keeping Francesca at Stef tells the lieutenant Benson Cabot, is there any way we could speak to your wife Detective Rollins asks me. I don't think that's such a good idea, she's been having a hard time dealing with our daughter missing. She's under strict orders by her doctor and l don't wanna overwhelmed her any further
Stef said to Lieutenant Benson Cabot
Alright will follow up on this lead
And get back in touch with you once we look into it for you Rollins told me
I walked them to the door as they head to their vehicle. And got into there car,

Eighty miles away
in a white stone and blue stone house
A blue van pulled up and parked the car and got out. Walked through the woods, police come out with your hands up detective Rollins said out loud. Olivia rushes in with her gun raised high, Rollins you search down here and l'll check out the bedrooms
Olivia said. Amanda looked all through the kitchen and living room
Nothing. Then she searches the premises of the house, someone must have tipped this guy off and he left
With that little girl. I feel bad we have to go back and tell those parents, we found the place empty. I go up the stairs to see if lieutenant found anything, shit we just missed them
Francesca must have left her back pack behind in a hurry or she it left it here on purpose hoping someone would see it Olivia said. Did you look inside the bag, Amanda asked her boss. Not yet l don't wanna invade this little girls property Liv States
We might have to look inside for any possible clues Amanda tells her commander. Olivia slips on a pair of rubber gloves, and unzips the bag
She pulls out a photo and looks at it
It's a picture of Foster Adams clan
And a diary with a lock. We need to give this to her parents, they would appreciate it Amanda told Olivia
Look over here in the corner
He must have tide her up with those ropes, he got from the hardware store
I spoke with the owner. And he said a man matching our guy's description
At least we have something to take to the family. I don't know if this news will be helpful to the parents, l know the wife said her significant other
Wasn't handling things well since her daughter went missing. Amanda sighs

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