6/ Fired?

130 9 1

Ahyong's pov:

I was watching a show of _______[ your favourite group] until my phone rang.

I groaned and took my phone.

When i saw who was it, i got scared.

" will he fire me?"


Hi Ahyong. I need you in the cafe today at 10:00.
It's important so don't be late.


I closed the chat and sighed.

- and i thought i would have peace today.- i said to myself rolling my eyes.

I looked at the time and... it was 9:30!?

- i'll have to watch this show later- i said closing YouTube and turning off my tablet.

I rushed to my room, picked some oclothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

When i was ready i took my bag and put my earphones, phone charger and my phone in it.

- wait. Did i eat?- i asked to myself.

I thought about what did i do until i saw the massege, when i realize that  i was late.

- uuuhh i don't know!- i exited my house and lock it.

I ran to the cafe which was like five streets down.

When i was arriving i bumped onto someone.

- sorry- i apologized and ran to the cafe.

Ok. I finally arrived.

I think the boy who i just bumped onto looked at me strangely. But i don't care, i didn't have time to talk to him.

- you're late- my boss said.

I looked at the clock. 10:10.

- sorry boss... my clock wasn't working- i excused myself.

Did he buy it?

- liar.

No. He didn't.

- uh... why did you need me here?- i asked changing the topic.
- because i want to ask you if you have found your soulmate- he asked.

I'm doomed and fired.

Well, i'm working in a soulmate cafe, which is named as " Love and Soul" and the most important rule is to have your soulmate or find him/ her atleast. Thing that i didn't do and i haven't.

Since i'm young and i needed the money, my boss hired me last year.

- Ahyong a. Reply me- he said.

What do i do? Do i lie to him again to save my work or do i say the truth and lose my work?

I'll say the truth.

- I didn't- i replied, looking down.
- you didn't?

I nodded and he sighed.

- you know the rules here. Ahyong i'm sorry becouse you're young and a good worker. But you know the rules- he said.
- yeah. But... i think i found him- i said.
- really? And who do you think it is?- he asked.

Sorry my best friend but i need to do it.

- it's.... Hyu- i replied.

I know Hyu will probably kill me when he knows, but right now i don't care.

- Hyu?- My boss asked.

I nodded looking at the floor.

Wow why didn't i realize the wonderful floor that is under my feet?

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