20|Sungho's confession

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Ahyong's pov:

- oh, and... Ahyong we have to sleep with you until we are healed- Jaehyung said, fidgeting with his hands.
- YOU WHAT?!- I asked shocked.

How did this happen? From being desilusional to meet them, then having dinner in their house, then living with them and now... sleep with them? The hell? I don't mind since they are my favourite group and my soulmates, but...

God. I didn't know you loved me so much. I can't believe I'm their soulmate.

- Yes. We have to sleep with you until we are fully healed. But if you are uncomfortable, we can just be in your room.- Taesan added.
- We won't heal as fast as if we are touching, but... it will do something, right?- Woonhak added, smiling nervous.

I was still shocked.

- So... can we sleep with you? Atleast tonight, please?- Jaehyung asked.

Noway. I'm dreaming. Are they asking me permission to sleep with me? Them? My favourite group? Really?

What did I do to deserve this? Whatever I did, thanks.

- uh...- I looked at the four of them.

They are looking at me with pleading eyes. Oh my.

- Can we?- Woonhak asked.
- I don't know.... like... the room is small and I don't think we're all going to fit there- I said.
- Who told you that we would sleep in your spare room?- Jaehyung asked.

That means.... no! I can feel my cheeks burning. Oh no. I don't like to blush.

The boys laughed. What is it so funny?

- for me. Don't worry. I'm ok, I just need you to touch my hand for ten seconds and I'm good- Riwoo said.

I nodded.

- well... let's go home now. When we arrive, we'll decide- Jaehyung said.

We didn't say anything and exited the building.

In our way there Woonhak almost fall and I luckyly catched him on time.

- Careful- I told Woonhak.
- thanks. Can we hold hands?- Woonhak asked.
- well... I don't want you to fall again, so yeah- I replied, holding his hand.

Woonhak's smile widened.

We continued walking when Taesan almost fell too.

- You ok, dude?- Riwoo asked, grabbing Taesan's arm.
- Leave me dude- Taesan replied, yanking his arm away from Riwoo's.
- calm down bro- Riwoo replied.

We laughed, except Woonhak. Who seemed a bit mad.

- Ahyong a. Could you hold my hand too? I feel like I could fall anytime- Taesan whined and holded his head, as if he had a headache.
- Uh... you tripped on a rock- I laughed.

He pouted.

Woah. Didn't know that he would pout just because I don't want to hold his hand.

- We are almost there- Jaehyung said, holding my other hand.
- Yah! I wanted to hold her hand dude!- Taesan whined.

Jaehyung laughed and sticked out his tongue, mocking the taller.

The rest of the walk was in silence.

Time skip:

In the building of the dorms.

- finally!- Taesan screamed.
- No need to shout man- Riwoo said, covering his ears.
- Um... so what do we do?- I asked.
- Well.... we need to sleep with you atleast tonight. So... can we?- Jaehyung said.

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