30| Anxiety attack

44 8 12

They were all gathered in the living room, except Ahyong, who was in her room.

- She has to tell us who is he!- Riwoo whisper-yelled.
- But if she's not comfortable, we can't just force her to tell us!- Sungho exclaimed.
- Low your voice if you don't want her to hear us- Leehan said.
Jaehyung sighed-. Look. She has to tell us who is he and what did he do to her. She could feel uncomfortable, but she has to tell us the whole story
- But...
- No buts
- So, let's call her here and tell her to tell us the whole story- Jaehyung added.

The rest sighed.

Well... Woonhak, Taesan and Sungho didn't want to force Ahyong to tell them about Ha jun. But the other three didn't want to force her too, but wanted answers and, Since, if Ha jun hurts her now that they are with her, they wanted to protect her as soulmates.

Ha jun is in jail, right? Then... why are they worring so much?

Well... only the 004' line suspected the cop that took the psycho that day. But they didn't say anything to the others.

- Ok... who call her?- Woonhak asked.
- Jaehyung
- Sungho

The boys replied.

- Why me?
-you're the leader- Taesan replied.
- And me?
- oldest
- But I think that our leader should go- Leehan said.

Jaehyung sighed and- knowing that he hadn't a choice- he stood up and went to their soulmate's room.

Ahyong's pov:

I was searching for some basic information about Soulmates as Zico told me.

I have found a useful info.

" Depending on the people, they can be 5- 10 days without keeping physical touch. [ More]"

I clicked on the " more" botton and it lend me to a link.

" Other people looked for:

1. How do I know how many days I can not keep physical touch?

2. Why only 5 days?

3. Why does my soulmate not want to keep physical touch with me?

4. Do soulmates have to kiss for heal?"

I clicked on the first option.

" So, as many people ask this. I'm going to remind you that everyone is different, the same goes for soulmates.

How do I know how many days I can live without touching my soulmate?

Well. If you're new in this. I recommend you to ALWAYS keep physical touch, it doesn't have to kiss, but holding hands helps a lot. But, if you're curious and you want to know. You can try to be far from your soulmate for some days. When you feel the pain, you'll have to touch your soulmate for 5h [ depending on the person. Since it can be all day] to heal."


Some minutes later someone knocked the Door.

- Yes?- I asked.
- Can you please come to the living room? We are all here- I heard Jaehyung's voice.

I sighed. I think it's time to tell them.

- OK

I closed the page I was currently reading and exited my room.

Once I was there, I felt a thick tension that could be cut with a knife, I looked at the boys and they were serious and glaring at each other.

Riwoo motioned to me to sit next to him. So I sat between him and Leehan.

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