50| Sungho's healing date

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Ahyong's pov:

Today is the last date and i'm in the penthouse of the mansion with Sungho.

We are watching the sunset.

- it's beautiful - I said, looking in awe at the sky.
- it is - Sungho softly said.

I don't know why, but I feel as if i'm being  watched while looking at the sky.

Is he looking at me? No wa...

I turned  to face him and, he was indeed looking at me.
Our faces were inches apart.

I blushed -. Sorry...
He giggled-. Why?

I looked away, hoping that he would  leave me some space, but he didn't, noticing this,  I got redder, if that's even possible.

- You know... in some movies, the two principal characters kiss under the sunset - he said.

I backed away, flustered.

- yes...
- Also, do you know that in movies and shows, when one of the principal characters say " the moon" or " the sunset" is beautiful, means that the other person is? - he asked.
- As well you? - I boldly asked.

He coughed and drank some water.

- Uh... yes... we...well, we're watching the sunset... and...uh... yeah? - he suttered.

I giggled at his flustered state.

- Don't laugh - he looked away.
- your ears are red, are you blushing? - I teased him.
- No - he covered his ears.
- as if I believe that - I laughed.

A comfortable silence filled the environment.

Some minutes later, Sungho took a guitar and started to play an acoustic version of " Case 143" from Stray kids.

- Do you know which song am I playing? - he asked.
I nodded-. Yeah, it's case 143 from Stray kids sonbaes - I said.
He nodded.- Correct

He then hummed a bit, before singing the song.

- I always heard your voice behind a screen, but... I can't believe I'm listening to your voice in live - I said, breaking the silence.
- Well... now. You can hear my voice whenever you want. From now on, whenever you want to listen to our songs. Call us and we'll sing, rap and dance for you - he said.
-  As serenade? - I asked.
- yes... I don't know if you know, but... we planned to confess you doing a small version of "Serenade", but... he then appeared and... well... you know -

I nodded.

- We made an order to kiss you, but Woonhak broke it.  I think that's ok, I mean, the maknae is always last and he wanted to be first for once. So... from now on, I'll try to not live him last - he said.- Also, Thanks for giving us an opportunity and stop Jaehyung and Taesan from fight with Woonhak while giving us a chance to date you
- it's ok...

Well, I did it because I wanted too...

- What do you think of all our dates? - he asked.
- I'll think a bit and then, tomorrow, I'll tell you the best three dates - I said.
- I hope mine is one of your three - he said.
- I'll think. I won't promise anything, because I don't like broken promises or promises that  cannot be kept - i explained.
- that's good. I don't like that as well
- Now... tell me some gossip of your dates - he faces me.
- like what?
-  Did you kiss? - he asked, suddenly exited.
- uh... not everyone - I said.

He squealed a bit.

- oh my poor ears - I said.
- Who did you kiss? Tell me tell me! - he said.
- God, you seem as Hyu - i mumbled.
- tell me~
- No - I said.

Well, I didn't kiss, they kissed me.

I blushed. Suddenly remembering the kisses - uh... n-o
- Tell me~ I'm the older and I want gossip. Please~
- Promise me that you won't laugh at me - I held my pinky.
He wrapped his in mine - promise
- Good. Now guess - I said.
- what?
- you heard me. Guess - I playfully said.
- Sometimes I hate you
- I love you too Sungho~

He rolled his eyes and thought.

2 minutes later, he said -. I don't know! Just tell me already!
- Now... where's the fun? - I asked.

He glared at me and I laughed.

- Ok! Um... three members kissed me - I looked away.
- three? Uh... ok, I know Woonhak did for sure, since he was first  - He stated.

Good point.

- Knowing Taesan, he did as well

Ok, one left.

- and... the thirth... Jaehyung?

Ha. No.

I shook my head.

- it's either Riwoo and Leehan then... - he said.

He then gasped, realizing something and covered his mouth.

- Wha...
- was Leehan? - he cut me.

I sighed and nodded.

- Woah! Tell me how were each kiss - he said.
- No
- Which did you like the most? Who is the best kisser at the moment? - he ignored me.

I groaned.

- Shut up - I said.
- tell me~
- you're worse then my friends, really - I rolled my eyes.
- Does that mean that you'll tell me?
- Hell, no!

He pouted.

- Don't look at me like that. I feel embarrassed answering you
- Why?
- I won't tell you
- tell me
- why do you bother anyways? - I asked.
- because, that way, I can make sure to be the best - he leaned closer.

An uncomfortable silence filled the space.

- Also... i know who I have to pressure now - he said.

That's it.

He leaned closer and kissed me.

When we parted away, I looked at the ground.

- flustered? - he asked.
- God. You're as Taesan and Woonhak - I whispered.

He laughed.

- Well... now, we have to pressure Riwoo and our dear leader to kiss you - he says.
- shut up
- Never

I rolled my eyes.

- It's late. Let's rest and end our date now - he says.

I nodded.

We stood up, he left the guitar on a table, and we left the penthouse and went to our respective rooms.

I don't have a room, but I'm staying with a member everyday. Today is Leehan's turn.

I bid Sungho goodbye and went to Leehan's room.

I somehow made it, without getting lost.

I knocked.

- Come in~ - I heard Leehan's voice.

I opened the door and saw him reading a book.

- Hi
- How was your date with our oldie? - he asked.
- he's not that old - I rolled my eyes.
- yeah, yeah, answer me - he said.
- no
- oh, Come on! Sweetheart, spill the tea - he pleaded.
- I'm tired - I ignored him and laid next to him.
- tomorrow you'll tell me - he said.

He left his book on a shelf and turned off the light, he then laid next to me.

- Goodnight love - he whispered.
- night

And we then,  headed to dreamland.


Next chapter is the last 😭.

Thank you a lot for supporting me and the story, please, keep doing it 💙.

Be healthy heart 💚.


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