31|Positions and Holidays Plan

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That night:

No one's pov:

- So, what is his name?- Zico asked.

Jaehyung called Zico once he was back to his dorm, along his roommates.

- Jung Ha jun, eighteen years old- Jaehyung replied.

Zico hummed and Jaehyung heard the " tick" sound of the computer.

" Zico was searching for the psycho", he thought.

- Did she tell you something else?- Zico asked.
- No. She had a sudden anxiety attack, her memories triggered her. But before she had the attack, she said that, they broke up becouse she noticed he was using and manipulating her. - the boy explained.
- um... ok. I have found something.- Zico said-. Jung Ha jun, a big powerfull mafia boss. He has a lot of allies, such as Stray kids, Mirae, The Boyz, ZB1, some nct members and more
- Some nct members? What do you mean?- the boy asked confused.
- I mean  that some of his allies have cousins in the mafia, for example, Ricky from ZB1 have a cousin name Riku. His cousin is in high school and a member of NCT Wish. Sunwoo from The Boyz is Sunoo's from Enhypen cousin, and so with almost all his allies- Zico explained.

Hearing that, Jaehyung was surprised.

- Zico... last day, Ha jun was in front of the upper dorm,  he was ringing the bell, I heard that one of my members told him something, he then shouted at Ahyong, who was hidding behind Taesan, I heard disgusting words from his mouth that I want to hit him so hard- Jaehyung said angry.
- What did he say to her? As far as I know, he never loved her, but it doesn't make sense that, after some years... he's back.  Something is wrong- Zico said-. Also, do you remember what did he say?- he asked.
- No. But ask the upper dorm, they know more since it happened in front of their dorm. - Jaehyung said.

Zico hummed again.

- I will. Also, Jung Ha jun won't escape eassily after what he has done and after whatever he said to her. So, don't worry, I'm going to make him regret and make him not see the sunlight ever again- Zico said.

By the tone that  Zico was talking, Jaehyung knew that he was furious, as him and his members.

But, Zico was the mafia boss, not them. Even if they wanted to help Zico in missions, Zico won't let them unless is necessary.

They were trained since when they were trainees. Every member had their position in the group, in case they had a mission.

Jaehyung is the leader, it doesn't matter if it's  as an idol and as a mafia, he's the leader. But not only that. He also is doctor in the team and the planner, he makes all the plans along other people.

Riwoo is the Hacker of the group. He is also  one of the best hackers of all groups. He has stole a lot of informations from everyone.

Leehan is a doctor as Jaehyung and a Hacker, but only when Riwoo needs him for help the members in missions, sometimes, he had to  trade illegal things [ only once. Since Zico doesn't want his boys in jail].

Sungho is the hit-man and the " distraction" for some missions.

Taesan is the assassin, " distraction" as Sungho [ thought he only does it in parties missions]  hit-man and the stealer.  And he sometimes made plans.

Woonhak. Our baby, or more likely, Jaehyung's big baby, is a planner, a Hacker and doctor.

They all had roles. But they focused only in their idol life.

- Good to hear that. Oh and please, if you're gonna kill him, let us know, we want to hit him too. I think we could leave him with Taesan and Sungho. They would do an amazing job, you know?- Jaehyung suggested.
- yes. I know. I'll think about it. But remember. Don't. Let. Her. Know. Ok?
- Of course! And I think Ha jun was her stalker that killed her parents and did a red work in her house.
- No. He wasn't. It was all work of Stray Kids. - Zico said-. Well I'll call you when I have him in the headquarters basement.- Zico said and hung the call.

Jaehyung smirked and informed the others.

Some days later:

Ahyong's pov:

I wanted to contact Biho this morning, but my message didn't get to him.

Why the hell it can't be sent?

Did he block me or something?


Now I'm in the living room with Leehan, Riwoo and Woonhak.

- Ahyong a. We thought about going on holidays once our comeback season is over- Leehan said.
- Where?- I asked.

They looked at each other.

- it's a surprise- Woonhak said playfully.

I pouted.

- And you'll come with us- Woonhak said.
- But won't fans see me with you?- I asked worried.
- No. Becouse we will leave so early.- Riwoo said.
- So early- Leehan repeated.
- Hey! don't repeat me, man! Who do you think you are?- Riwoo said.

I laughed.

- Don't worry about fans or sasaengs. - Woonhak said.

I nodded.

- So... when will we go?- I asked.
- in July- Leehan said.
- oh? But isn't your comeback next week?- I asked.
- yes. But we'll debut in Japan, so... once we're done with Japan, we'll go on Holidays- Riwoo said.

I nodded.

- Well... let's watch a show- I said.

They nodded and Woonhak took the computer and put a k-drama.

Leehan brought snacks before, so we took our snacks and watched the show.


Filler [ again]

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