3/ Fanmeeting pt.2 And Plan?

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No one's pov:

Ahyong interacted with almost all the members, she's still thinking about what Taesan said and she can't wait to read what he wrote on the paper.

Now she only has one member left wich is Leehan.
She bid goodbye to Sungho who didn't even spare a glance to her and she move to Leehan. He was between Taesan and Riwoo.

She was a little unsure of how she should act with him, since her experience with the other members ( except Taesan, who was the most strange but nice) wasn't good.

Ahyong's pov:

Finally Leehan is the last member.

Before coming here, i thought they all were so kind or more... nice. But when i was with Jaehyun, he acted cute at first but he ended up being serious and cold, Sungho was cold and a little rude, Woonhak started being bright and happy but when i told him that i don't have an album he became rude, Riwoo was serious and cold...

At first i thought Woonhak was having a bad day, but when the rest acted the same or similar. I didn't know what to think.

- Hi!- He greeted me.
- Hi
- How are you?
- i'm good, and you?- i asked.
- i'm good... so your name is Ahyong ssi?- he asked.
- yeah...
- your name is so pretty!

I chuckled awkardly and flustered.

I talked a bit more with him, he wasn't that bad, he wasn't rude or something as the other 5.

- Time's up!- the staff said.
- Bye!
- Bye!

We bid each other goodbye and i stood up and exited the gym.

I was thinking about their attitude and i remembered Taesan's note.

- uh excuse me... do you know where is the bathroom?- i asked to a staff.
- yeah come- she then walked and i followed her.

When we arrived she bid me goodbye and left.

I entered the girl's bathroom and i took the note.

~ Hi Ahyong! Today was a good day. And when it was your turn with me, i wanted to be your friend. It's a shame that we can't.

Well see you!


What?! I thought it was something more... i don't know... important?

I exited the bathroom and i also exited the building.

I decided to walk home.

With the boys

No one's pov:

The boys alredy changed into their clothes and were in a practice room talking about the fanmeeting.

- And she didn't have atleast an album!- Woonhak said pissed.
- well there was a girl who was so delusional- Taesan said and they all laughed.
- yeah. I was kind and signed her album- Leehan said.
- and someone asked me to marry me. I was like " ew no"- Sungho added.

They laughed again.

- And Taesan why did you give a note to Ahyong?- Jaehyun asked out of the blue.
- What!?- the rest asked.
- i...
- what did you write hyung?- Woonhak asked.
- well... when i made eye contact with her my soulmate tattoo ached so i wrote that the day was good and stuff- Taesan explained.
- can we see your tattoo?- Jaehyun asked serious.
- Yes.
- i also felt the same- Leehan said.
- me too- Woonhak added.
- you were rude when she said she hasn't an album- Riwoo said.

Woonhak glared at him.

- i felt the connection too.... let's see our tattoos- Jaehyun said.

Taesan was first to show his arm, his tattoo now had the name of their soulmate.
Slowly all of them showed their tattoos and they all had her name.

- so... is her?- Sungho said.
- we need a plan- Riwoo said.
- Yes. Heesung's cousin is her friend. Let's ask him to meet his cousin and then... we'll ask her about our soulmate- Leehan said.
- Taesan you will aproach her first. The rest act rude and cold. Taesan you too a little.- Sungho said.
- why me?- Taesan asked in disgust.
- You were the first to be kind towards her and i said it- Sungho said.
- Whatever- Taesan rolled his eyes.
- And when she trusts you, we will aproach her one by one- Jaehyun said.

They all smirked.

- We'll decide the order when it's the right time- Jaehyun said.
- Now let's go to Zico's meeting room- Leehan said.

And they all went to Zico's meeting.

Time skip:

After the meeting Jaehyun went to Enhypen's dance room and the rest went to their apartment.

- Jaehyun?- Sunghoon asked when he saw him.
- Hi. Can i talk with Heesung hyung?- Jaehyun said straight to the point.
- Uh.. yeah? We are resting for 15 minutes- Sunoo said.

Jaehyun smiled.

- Jaehyun!?- Heesung exclaimed when he saw him.
- Hi hyung! I want to ask you something. Can we talk?- Jaehyun said.
- Yes.... follow me- Heesung said and started to walk outside the room, Jaehyun following him.

They went to Enhypen's meeting room wich was empty.

- So... what do you want to tell me?- Heesung asked.
- Yuqi is your cousin, right?- Jaehyun asked.
- uh... yes.... why? Don't be near her or i'll hit your face- Heeesung glared at Jaehyun.
- eww i won't aproach your cousin even if i'm paid. Can you please investigate her female friends?- Jaehyun said.
- why? Are you interested in some of her friends?- Heeesung asked.
- No! But i want to know if someone i met is her friend- Jaehyun simply said.
- And why so?- Heesung said.
- personal issues. Just can you do it?- Jaehyun said irritated.

Heesung thought a little and finally agreed.

And that's how the first step of the plan successed.

Heesung went back to practice and Jaehyun went to his apartment shared with some of his members.


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