29 | Talk with Zico sunbae

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Next morning

Ahyong's pov:

I woke up and rubbed my eyes.

- What time is it?

I looked at the clock on my bedside table, 7:00.

- Ahyong a?- I heard Sungho knocking softly on the door.
- I'm not here!- i shouted.
- Then, why are you replying?- he asked.

I think he just rolled his eyes.

- Please get ready and wake the others up. I'm going to cook breackfast - he added.
- i want to sleep- i whined
- Please.
-Ok. Don't worry - I said, standing up.
- Thank you- he thanked me and i heard his footsteps leaving.

I sighed and went to change my clothes in my room's bathroom.

5 minutes later, i was ready.

I wore a plain purple T-shirt and a pair of trousers that i bought yesterday.

I combed my hair and nodded at myself in the mirror.

- Time to wake everyone up- i said as soon as i exited my room.

I went to the room next to mine.

I knocked on the door and since i didn't hear anything, i entered.

I saw on the left side Woonhak sleeping with his blanket over his head.

How is he breathing like that?

On the other side, i saw Taesan sleeping too with his pillow on top of him, hugging it.

At least he breathes.

Ok, now. Who suffers first? Maknae or older?

Older. Becouse it's more fun.

I approached Taesan and tried to take his pillow away.

He whined and hugged it tightly.

- Wake up oldie. You have to go help Sungho with breackfast - i lied, moving him.

He whined and rolled.

- leave mee
- No. You have to cook with Sungho
- But i...
- No buts- i said.

He sighed and threw the pillow at me, i dodged it and it hit right on Woonhak's head.

I looked at the maknae who whined and fell asleep again.

- Why did you throw the pillow at me? Did you want to hit me or something?- i asked.
- Yes, so you shut up and leave me sleep.- He said.
- You idiot. - i pushed him off the bed.
- Ouch!
- your fault and my revenge- i said.

He laughed and i glared at him.

- What's so funny?-i asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

He stood up and giggled.

- Whatever. Go get ready- I said.

He nodded, still laughing, and took his clothes and went to the bathroom outside.

I sighed and went to wake up the maknae.

- Woon~ Wake up~ - I moved him gently.

He furrowed his eyebrows, still with his eyes closed.

- Woon you have school and practice- I said
- I don't want to- he whispered with his raspy voice.
- I have school too and I'm up. So come on, don't be lazy- I said.

He rolled and faced the wall.

- If you don't get up, I'll call Sungho- I threatened him.
He stood up as soon as I said " Sungho" and said- Wha... NO! I'm up! See? I'm up. Don't call Sungho hyung, please!

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