10| Project with a posh rich girl

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Ahyong's pov:

Today is Monday and I have classes again.

Why do we only had a month of holidays? It was so good and so short.

Ugh! And I'll see my friend's faces. I love them so much, but most of the time they are so loud and annoying.

" What time is it?" I thought.

I looked at the clock.


I rushed and changed my clothes and finished getting ready for my classes, again.

I didn't eat breakfast and rushed outside. I locked my door and ran.


My neighbors yelled at me.

- SORRY- I shouted back.

I rushed outside the building and ran to my college.

I didn't have time to take the bus, hell. The bus drove off and it's probably in the school by now.

I ran as fast as I could and when I arrived I saw my friend Yuqi.

- Gurl you're late- Yuqi scolded me.
- yeah yeah. I know. Sorry- I replied, catching my breath.
- We don't have time. Let's go- Yuqi said, taking my arm and running.

Jeez. I have to run again.

When we FINALLY arrived to our first class and the teacher scolded me.

- And why only me? You were late too- I whispered to Yuqi.
- I was the first one to enter the class. Also, the teacher sent me to go to look for you- Yuqi whispered back.

I rolled my eyes.

Time skip.

I'm in Spanish class with Yeji.

- Hola. Hoy vamos a hablar sobre Las características de vuestro/ a compañero o compañera. Yo haré Los grupos. - the teacher said.

Everyone had a " what did she say" face so the teacher called me to translate.

I stood up- Ms. Shina said that we're going to do a project about the characteristics of our classmate. She also said that she'll make the groups- I explain.

All the class did an " oh" faces and groaned.

Ms.Shina clapped.

- As expected from my favourite student. You translated all perfectly. So i did the groups a month ago and i'm going to tell you. While I call your names, please go with your partner.- Ms. Shina said.
- I hope to be your partner- Yeji whispered.
- yeah. Me too- I said.

Ms. Shina started to say the groups.

- Yeji and Aera

Yeji cursed under her breath.

- Sorry.- Yeji apologized to me.
- don't worry. Now go- I said.

She playfully glared at me and left to her partner.

Now what? I wanted to do it with Yeji or alone. But I think I can't escape now.

Why did I come? I could just stay in my house, sleep and play videogames...

- Ahyong and Sara- Ms Shina said, taking me out of my trance.
- I what?- I said.
- you're with me dumb- Sara told me, rolling her eyes.

Oh. My. Gosh.

For God's sake, kill me and take me far away from here.

Out of all the people, I'm doing this with Sara? The rich girl of the class? Her mother is the principal and her father is an actor, while her older brother is a singer in the United States.

I hate her so much as she hates me. Well, she doesn't hate me. She's just jealous of me.

Someday I'll punch her.

- Are you coming or do I have to move to do this stupid project?- Sara asked.

I rolled my eyes and sat next to her.

- Let's finish this before I kill you- I mumbled to myself.
- What did you say?- She asked, looking at me disgusted.
- Nothing- I fake smiled.
- Good. Now. Do the work and finish it before the time ends- She demanded.

I laughed. Is she serious? No but hahahaha. she wants me to do all the work?
Is she dumb or what?

- What? I won't do your work- I said.
- oh, really? You'll do it. Remember that I'm rich enough to kick you out of this school- She sassily says.
- Keep dreaming- I replied.

This is going to be a loooong project.

- Start doing my part and then you do yours- she said, looking at her long nails.
- I'm doing my part and you do yours. So Shut up- I said.

She rolled her eyes.

I decided to start my part. I wrote the questions, and now I have to ask this dumb person next to me.

- You- I said.

She ignored me and kept looking at her nails.

- DUMB- I yelled. But not loud enough to gain attention.
- Are you talking to yourself?- She replied.
- whatever. Answer my questions - I said.
- yeah, yeah.

I asked a few questions, but she ignored me.

- You know what? I'm inventing the answers- I said tired.

I wrote whatever I thought of her.

There were 5 questions. Wich I replied like this:


1st question. What is your partner's name?

Dumb dumbest

2nd question. What is her favourite color?

Dark purple [ of her nails]

3rd question. What are her hobbies?

● Annoy people
● Gossip about whatever she finds funny.
● Threat people
● Look at her nails

4th question. Why did you choose his/ her as your partner?

I didn't. My teacher, Ms. Shinya put me with her, though I hate her so much.

5th question. What do you think about your partner?

She's dumb, sassy, ugly and rich.


- Done!- I whispered to myself.
- That fast? Did you do both of our parts in two minutes?- she asked.
- I did mine. You do yours- I replied.

We rolled our eyes.

- this project is for Wednesday. If you don't do it. You're suspended for the year- Ms. Shinya said.


The bell rang, indicating the end of class.

We all tidied our things and went to our next class.

And I still have 5 more classes. Yey.


I'm doing short chapters now since I know I write a lot.

Thanks for reading, voting, commenting and following me.

I really like to read the comments and I'm happy you like it.

Stay healthy and see you on the next chapter.


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