33| Holidays D1

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Next day [5:00 a.m] :

Ahyong's pov:

My alarm rang and I got up a bit scared, but remembered that I was going to go on Holidays with the boys.

I stopped my alarm and scretched my arms and stood up from bed.

I changed my clothes and went to the kitchen to cook breackfast. But when i entered the kitchen, I saw Sungho already cooking.

- Sung... can I help you?- I asked him.
He stopped what he was doing and looked at me before saying-. No, well, you can set the table for the seven of us.
I nodded-. The downstairs dorm is coming here?- I asked.

Sungho nodded, while continuing cooking.

I took the cutlery and started to set the table.

Time skip:

The breackfast was ready and the boys in the other dorm came. Now we are all sited.

- Where is Woonhak?- Jaehyung asked.
- I don't know. Taesan you are his roommate- I replied.

Taesan widened his eyes-. The fact that i'm his roommates doesn't mean I have to take him here- he said.

We all glared at him.

- You know what? I'm going to take him here- Taesan rushed to his room.
Leehan sighed- What a great roommate

We nodded agreeing.

Ten minutes later, Taesan came back along a sleepy but ready Woonhak.

- Good morning sleepyhead- Jaehyung greets him.

Woon nodded rubbing his eyes.


- Sit down. We have to eat fast if we want to travel in peace- Sungho said, pulling a chair next to him.

Woon didn't say anything and hugged me by my shoulders.

I giggled-. Come on Woon, Sung has a point. We have to be fast if we don't want trouble- I said.

He whined and five seconds later, he sat next to Sungho.

We ate in silence, as we were all tired.

Time skip:

Now we are in the airport.

I asked like ten times where are we going, but they ignored me.

- Seriously, why are we in the airport?- I asked.
- Becouse we are going to take the plane- Riwoo replied with a " what do you think?" Face.
I glared at him.- oh, really? I thought we were here for see elephants- I rolled my eyes.

Before Riwoo could reply me, Jaehyung fake coughed and said.- we have two minutes to take the plane, come on or we'll lose it

We didn't say anything and walked to the check up place.

We made a line, the olders line going first.
When it was my turn, the girl glared at me and let me pass.

- are you going with them?-  She asked me pissed, making us stop.

I was about to tell her to get lost, when Taesan asked.- Why do you care?
The girl looked at me and then at him- Becouse she's a super dangerous sasaeng- she said, acting as if she was worried about them and pointed at me.

Who does she thinks she is?

A sasaeng? Really? Are you friking kidding me?

I wanted to laugh at her, but contained.

- I'm not a sasaeng, but I'm a mafia. So, if you don't want me to send my team to your house tonight. You better mind your own bussiness- I said serious.

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