25 | Taesan's Jelousy

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Ahyong's pov:

They recorded three songs: one named " Let's go see the stars" and " Amnesia" and one named " Life is cool".

- Ok. Now we only have a song left- Jaehyung said.
- Did you like our songs?
- yes! It's hard for me to choose a favourite song-i said.
- Well. The last one is named as:  Dear. My darling and it last 1 minute.- Woonhak said.
- ok. Well to short. But ok.- i said.

A staff put the music and they started to record.

Time skip:

It was 5:00 and the boys finished recording. 

- ok. Let's go shopping- Jaehyung said.

We nodded and exited the recording room.

- Wait. I have to take my bag- Taesan said.
- really dude?- Leehan asked.
- yes.  How do i pay then?- Taesan asked with a " duh" face.
-  stealing- Riwoo replied.
- Ha. Ha. So funny.- The taller replied.
- Where is your bag?- i asked.
-in the dance room
- um... when does the mall close?- i asked.
- 23:00- Sungho replied.
- we have a lot of time- Woonhak said.
- Then... go to the van and i'll accompany Taesan- i said.
- ok
- And why....
- Shut up. They need their " bond time" - Riwoo said, sticking his tongue.
-Oh. Shut up man!- Taesan said.
- Yah! I'm older than you!
- Shut up both of you!- Sungho said.

They glared at each other.

Taesan rolled his eyes.

- let's go. The early we come back home, the early i'll watch my show- i said.
- We'll wait you in the van- Jaehyung said.

Without saying anything else, Jaehyung and Sungho pulled the rest along, leaving Taesan and i.

- Let's go.- i said.

He nodded and we walked out. We entered the elevator.

- And... which show are you watching?- He asked.
- Uh... TWS club- i mentioned TWS show.
- Tws? Really? Do you stan them?- Taesan asked with a hint of jealousy.
-  A bit. Well, i know them well. So... yes?- i said.

He made a jelous face.

- Which boygroups do you stan? Apart of Bnd?- he asked jelous.
- Nct, Riize, 8turn, NexZ, Stray Kids...
- Shut up. - he cut me.

I looked down.

Why is he jelous?

- You asked me- I mumbled.

He ignored me and... great. The elevator stopped.

We exited and walked in an uncomfortable silence.

When we arrived the dance room, Taesan opened the door and entered without saying anything more.

- Taesan?- i called him hesitating.

He ignored me.

Really? He asked me and now he's jelous?

- Taesan- i called him again louder.

He looked at me.

- I... why are you jelous?- i asked.
- I'm not jelous.- he replied.
- Yes, you are.
- ok. I am! And what?
- Why are you jelous, when you asked me in the first place!
- Because.... i don't fuking  know, ok?!

He sighed.

- Sorry. But... i don't know if it's the bond, but... i need time to recolect my thoughts- he says.

He took his bag and we left.

- What happened?- Leehan asked me, once i sat next to him in the van.

Taesan was in the backseats, next to the window.

-  i don't know- i replied.
- I think he's jelous- Riwoo whispered.
- yeah.
- but why? Did you mention a boygroup?- Leehan asked.
- He asked me in the first place- i defended myself.
- Don't worry. Give him time- Riwoo said.

I nodded and didn't say anything.

I don't understand why is he jelous, when he asked me.


Short chapter.

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Be healthy and Bye!

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