40| Plans

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No one's pov:

Ha jun was with his team deciding on who to bring.

- No, the leader is a scaredy cat, he will be more fun- Ricky said.
- the tallest is funnier to tease. As far as i know, he teases a lot, so if we bring him, we'll tease him- Sunwoo argued back.
- The second tallest will be boring as well the oldest and shortest- Jeongin, the makne of Stray kids, stated.
- Well... the maknae would be fun, but he's so young. I don't want to have him here- Hyunjin said.
- Then... we only have left either the leader or the tallest.- Ha jun stated.

They nodded.

- um... well... i think we should bring the leader here, that way, they won't plan anything against us, since their leader is missing- Lee know said.

Ha jun nodded and smiled evily.- Then, the leader is.

They all nodded and started to make a plan.

Time skip:

- BOSS- a higher schooler boy called him.
- Did you find their location?- Ha jun asked.
- Yes. They are in their house, i hacked the cameras, so i can see them and, judging by their looks, they are all hella worried. - the younger said.
- Good job Riku. I'm glad you are with us- Ha jun said.

The younger smiled.

- Now, stalk them and know when are they leaving their leader alone. - Ha jun demanded.
- But who is the leader?
- They are a K-POP group, just search in Google

The younger nodded again and his boss left.

He started to look for info.

With BND:

Taesan's pov:

We are so worried.

When we came back home yesterday  without her after what happened, we informed Zico and we planned something to get her back and kill that Asshole.

I'm the murder so i'll do that job.

Now we are in our headquarter.

- When we'll we get her back?- Woonhak asked me.
- i don't know, but i hope soon. I have to tease my dear sunshine for the rest of my life- i replied.

He chuckled sad.- But... what if we don't get her back?- he asked.
- We'll bring her. Don't worry- i reassured the younger.
- AISH. THAT ASSHOLE- We heard Sungho hyung shout.

After what happened, we changed a bit.

I'm sad and angry.

Woonhak is sad.

Sungho is furious.

Leehan is silent. But i know he's mad.

Riwoo is mad.

Jaehyung is so pissed and sad at the same time.

- Guys!- Jaehyung called us.

We rushed to him.

- They hacked our cameras at home-  our leader said.
- They what?!- I asked.
- You heard me. We have to stay here for some time- Jaehyung sighed.
- But that's not all. I hacked them and saw them in a meeting room- Riwoo says.
- Can you turn the volume up? So that we hear them?- Woonhak asked.

Riwoo nodded and turned up the volume.

-  i think we should bring the leader here, that way, they won't plan anything against us, since their leader is missing- someone who we know, said.

We heard all their plan and Riwoo dishacked the cameras so that they don't know they were hacked.

- So... Ha jun's planning to kidnapp one of us. Who they decide will be Jaehyung hyung for what?- Woonhak asked.
- For hurt her- Leehan, who was silent since the incident talked.
- oh...- Woonhak looked down.
- It's obvious that they want to kidnapp one of us, in this case, Jaehyung, becouse we are her soulmates. That means, if he has Jaehyung hyung, he can use him to hurt her. Like... hit him or something- Sungho stated.
- True...
- I don't want to get hit!- Our leader said.
- Yah! You're the leader!- Zico scold him.

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