34| UNO with THE BOYZ

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Ahyong's pov:

I'm so exited!

I was exploring the pool place. There were a lot of chairs, tables, some trees and flowers. It was indeed beautiful.

There was also a place for drinks and snacks.

I walked around and then I entered again.

I found the restaurant, which was big and elegant.

I was walking in a hall, when I bumped onto someone.

- sorry- I bowed down and looked at the person.

Wait. What?!

Am I dreaming again?! OMG

It was Younghoon from THE BOYZ  sunbaenim.

The hell? Am I Y/n?

- oh... sorry- I bowed again, blushing

He laughed-. Don't worry. It's ok. Are you ok?- he asked.
- uh.. yes- I said.
- may I know your name?- he asked.
- Ahyong. I'm Ahyong- I suttered.
- Nice to meet you.
- the pleasure is mine- I said.
- are you here for holidays too?- he asked.
- yeah
- alone?- he frowned.

Oh my God.

- No. I'm with some friends- I lied.
-  and where are they?
- resting
- well... do you want to meet my group?- he asked.

I fake coughed. 

I want to, but... I'm not sure if I should.

Uh... what do I do?

- I want to. But... my friends must be so worried- I said.
- oh, well then. Bye- he said.

He looked disappointed. My god.

I can't imagine meeting them.

I bid him goodbye and continued to walk.

Some time later, I got a message from Jaehyung.

Jae 🐕

Hey. We are going to play in the pool.
Do you want to come?

Oh. I'm not in the room.
And I met a member from
[ one] of my favourite group.

Oh then... it's ok.
If you want, you can stay
with them.

But tell me or a member when are you
Going to the restaurant to have dinner.

Thanks Jae


I closed the chat and continued to walk.

I somehow met again Younghoon.

- oh what a coincidence. Weren't you with your friends?- he asked.
- uh... well... they told me that I could be with ya'll for a bit- I said.

He nodded.

- do you want to come to greet the rest?- he asked.
- yeah.- I said.
- Follow me- he motioned me to follow.

I followed him and during the walk  we talked a lot.

We stopped in front of a room.

- Ok. Let me inform them, also, sorry for the disaster- he said.

I nodded and he entered the room.

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