42|Mission complete/ Night kiss

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No one's pov:

It is 22:30 and Ha jun is getting ready for a Mafia Party.

- Yah! Don't you know how to brush your own hair? - Ha jun asked to a worker.

Since he was a very powerfull mafia boss, he had man and workers working for him.

- Yes sir. Sorry - The poor woman apologized and tried to fix Ha jun's hair.

Ha jun was dressed in suit and he has ordered a woman, who worked for him, to brush his hair. He wanted to have his hair brushed aside. The woman did it, but, he's never satisfied with the work of his workers  and scolded rudely to her.

- You know what? Stop it. You're ruining my hair and my life - He said, yanking the woman's hand away from his hair.

The woman bowed down and left whispering a " Sorry".

Ha jun sighed and looked at the clock.

30 minutes left before the party starts.

He brushed his hair - as the woman did before - and stood up.

After checking himself in the full mirror of his styling room, he went to the living room.

- Where the heck is my driver? - Ha jun mumbled, looking around.

The room was empty.

- YANG JUNGWON - He shouted.

The named boy didn't appear, instead of him, Kang Seojun entered.

- Where the heck is Jungwon?
- Boss. He has to record a show with his group. So he asked me to drive you instead - The man bowed down.

Ha jun looked at him madly and rolled his eyes, before passing by him. Leaving the man alone.

He sat in the backseat and not so long later, the driver sat in the driver's seat and started to drive.

From Ha jun's mansion to the party was 25 minutes. If he was lucky and fast enough, he would arrive there in time.

But tonight wasn't his lucky night. Becouse, before he could exit the city, two cars stopped in front of his and other four cars, surronded him.

- What the fuck? - he cursed.
- Boss we have a problem
- I'm seeing it myself. Seojun - Ha jun rolled his eyes.

The man ignored him. He was in his early 30s, and was older then Ha jun. But still, he had to " respect" him, since Ha jun was powerfull and his boss.

Ha jun exited the car. And someone shot him. Luckily, the bullet didn't touch him.

- Jung Ha jun - Someone called him from behind.

Before he could turn around, someone holded him and put a cloth on his mouth, making him  asleep.

The person took him in a car and drove off.
The other people shot Ha jun's car, killing Kang Seojun.
Then, they drove off.

- Boss we got him - Someone said thought an earpiece.
- Good. Bring him to the basement. Jae, Sung and I are already in his headquarter along TREAUSURE and Riize - The boss said.
- I'm going to our headquarter - The person cut the line.

In Ha jun's headquarter:

Ahyong was talking with Taesan.

- And then Sungho hyung almost kill our leader, becouse he didn't clean his room

She chuckled.

- Pss... we are there. Riwoo and Leehan hacked the security cameras, Sungcha, Taro, Shi and Haesung are in. They are killing the guards from the first floor, Doyoung, Jae hyuk and Jihoon are in too, killing the guards in...- Jaehyung was cut by shoots outside the room.
- In the floor we're in. Yeah,  we are hearing them - Taesan said.
- Good. Sungho and Anton will enter in your room in no time - Jaehyung said.
- ok -

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