34 pt2|Sugar High High Taesan

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No one's pov:

Taesan acompany Ahyong to get her food. The boys already told the waiter their food, which will come soon.

They passed by THE BOYZ's table.

- Ahyong a!- Eric called her.

The girl greeted them while Taesan looked at them frowning. He noticed the girl's smile and didn't like it at all, no when it's becouse of another person who is not him or some members.

-  Do you want to sit with us?- Kevin asked her.
- Thanks for the offer. But I'm with my friends- The girl declined politely.

Upon hearing the word " friends" Taesan felt something, the feeling wasn't only emotionally, becouse it somehow hurted him a bit, but he didn't took much time to realice that his chest was paining.

- Well... see you around- The girl bid them goodbye.

While they were waiting in the line, Taesan couldn't help but let a "agh" while bending over a little, grabbing the girl's arm.

The girl got worried and was confused. But she decides to go sit somewhere. So she helped him out of the line.

They sat on the floor.

- What's wrong?- Ahyong asked.

As much as Taesan wanted to tell her that he was jealous and hurted by her words before, he couldn't.

The girl remembered some info that she searched last day and side hugged him with an arm and with her free hand caressed his hair. Some seconds later, green light started to glow from him.

Ahyong got shocked, but didn't stopped doing what she was doing and continued until the light disappeared.

Taesan suddenly felt like he could breath again.

- Tae...
- Ahyong, why didn't you come with us before?- he cut her.
She got surprised, but managed to say-. I wasn't in the mood to go outside
- really? Or you were so busy with another group?- He cut her again.

The harsh in his words hurted her. Taesan wasn't thinking about anything. He just burst in  jealousy.

She looked down-.  It's not like that. I bumped onto Younghoon before and then I played a table game with the group. It's not as if I killed someone- she said.

He rolled his eyes.

- Did you already get tired of us?- he asked, pain seen in his eyes.
- What?! No! Why would I get tired of you?!- sue asked.
- Becouse before seemed it

That sentence stabbed her deeply.

She only spent time with another group, why was he making a fuss in this?

- You know what? When I came here, you seemed happy, but now, you suddenly started to act as an asshole- she said.

He scoffed.

- Aaaaa- he sighed.- give me back my LOVE please, if not, draw me a new one- he suddenly started to sing.

That took her by surprise.

- Are you drunk?- she asked.
- No- he replied.

But his voice said otherwise.

The members noticed the strange behavior of Taesan and Sungho and Leehan aproached Ahyong and Taesan.

The truth is... he drank a cup of tea with more sugar then normally.

So... he got a bit sugar high.

- Dude, stand up- Leehan said while pulling Taesan's arm.

Taesan stood up and Sungho helped Ahyong to get up.

- uh... did he drink?- she asked.

The two boys laughed and shook their heads. The girl looked at them confused.

- He had a cup of tea with more sugar then usually, so... he's sugar high- Leehan explained.

The girl nodded.

- let's take him to our table- Sungho said.

The two boys dragged Taesan, who was singing sad love songs.

When they arrived to their table with the rest. Ahyong sat where she was at before and Leehan forced Taesan to sit next to her. Then, Sungho and Leehan satin their places.

The food arrived.

- Wait. I didn't take my food- she said.
- I have Samgyopsal. If you want, you can eat too, noona- Woonhak says.
- thanks.

They were eating in peace, when Taesan, who was quiet, started to sing " So let's go see the stars' while hugging the poor girl.

She mouthed " Help. Me" and the members laughed at her.


They laughed.

Time skip:

They finished their food, paid and they picked their  cutlery.

They went to the share room of Ahyong and Taesan. Woonhak and Sungho left him on the bed, and Taesan fell asleep.

- thanks- she said.
- oh my god, Taesan hyung is so heavy- Woonhak said.
- By the way. What is your room number?- She asked them.
- Ours is 20th- Sungho said, pointing at his roommates.
- And ours is 16th- Both Leehan and Riwoo said.
- Ok. Becouse I want to see your rooms- Ahyong said.- but tomorrow- she added.

The boys nodded.

- Oh. Also, we'll be here until Wednesday - Jaehyung said.
- Why? Wasn't it five days?- she asked.

They sighed.

- yeah, but, we have to go back becouse Zico told us to- Riwoo said.

The girl frowned.- ok
- Well. Now, rest and if your roommate doesn't live you sleep, don't doubt to come to the 20th room, on your right- Jaehyung joked.

She laughed.- ok. I will.- she said.
- Good night- they said.
- night

They left and she was to lazy to put her pijama on. So she just laid on her bed and tried to sleep.

Atleast she ate a bit of samgyeopsal and Ramyon that the boys shared. So she wasn't hungry.

Tomorrow will be a very tired yet funny day.

" If I had more confidence, I would play in the pool too. " the girl thought.

With that in mind, she drifted to dreamland.


So. Basically this chapter was the continuing of the last one.

Wattpad wasn't working, and I had trouble writing. So I decided to write a second part.

I also created a new ff, but I didn't start it yet, I only put the title and the description. I can't wait to finish this ff to write the other. I'm sure the next will be better then this. But, as I like this story and I know you like it too, I won't put it on Hiatus. I'll finish it. Don't worry.

Thanks for reading, commenting, voting and following me.

Keep supporting me and share your opinion and ideas.

Be healthy and Bye!

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