37| Her Birthday

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No one's pov:

Jaehyung informed Zico wjat they planned for their soulmate's birthday party.

Zico somehow managed to have all the skating ring for them.

The plan was: Go to the skate ring, skate a bit, eat the cake, give the presents and confess something for end the party.

Woonhak told Zico her friends and Zico invited some of them, acting as Woonhak, since he hacked his phone and sent the messages. When he was done, he unhacked Woonhak's phone.

The party will start at 17:12. For them.

Jaehyung talked to her friends who will go to the party and they decided to go and be there until after giving her their presents and then, they'll make an excuse and leave them to say something.

The boys were nervous as hell.

Woonhak's pov:

Today is the day.

Is Ahyong's birthday and the day we'll confess to her.

We'll tell her how much we love her, even when most of it was the bond at the start and now it's more us than the bond and we'll try to... you know... what happen in shows.

But i'm scared. What if she reject us?

- Woon calm down- Jaejyung hyung told me.

I'm in a caffe with my soulmate and members.

Ahyong is talking to the waiter, who she seems to know.

- i can't.... hyung, what if she reject us?- i asked.
- She won't
- Hiw are you so sure?- i asked.
- Becouse we her soulmates and soulmates don't reject each other. We need her as much as she need us. So don't worry- Leehan, who listened to us, said.

I looked at him and sighed.

- Fine. But i don't know what to say. Words are so difficult when you need to confess- i said.
- Who told you that we were going to tell her directly?- Sungho hyung asked.

I looked at him confused.

- Jaehyung will say some words and then we'll sing- Sungho said seeing my expression.

I widened my mouth.- Ahhh. So we will sing- i said realizing.

They nodded.

- But what if i don't know the lyrics? Or i forget?- i asked worried.

They laughed.

- What's so funny?-i asked.
- Aigoo. You're worring to much Woon.- Riwoo hyung says.
- You won't becouse it's one of our songs- Leehan hyunh adds.
- oh? Which one? As far as i know we have some
- we are between:  So let's go see the stars, Serenade or I'm going crazy- Jaehyung said.
- i think that we shouldn't do the first option, since Taesan sang it- Leehan said.
- yah! - Taesan shouted.

Some people looked at us and we smiled nervous.

Some of them glared at us or rolled their eyes before minding their own bussiness.

Not so long later, Ahyong came back and sat between Riwoo and i.

- Jaem didn't want to leave me-she said.

Jaem? Who the hell is he?

Oh. Wait.

Yes. I know who is he.


I sighed, calming down, since he will be in the party later.

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