23 |Dance practice

50 7 4

Ahyong :

We finished eating and we all went to our rooms to change our clothes.

I asked someone for clothes and Jaehyun handed me a pair of  black and baggy trousers and Leehan gave me a white T-shirt.

When I was done, I went to the living room and wait for the others.

Not so long after, they all came downstairs.

We then put our shoes on and exited the building. Before we exited, they stopped and took hats, glasses or a mask and covered themselves.

- Why are you covering yourself?- I asked.
- In case there's a fan or a sasaeng- Leehan replied.
- you should do the same. Since someone could reconize us and see you- Riwoo said, handing me a hat.
- that's a good reason. But I don't like wearing hats or something on my head- I replied.
- If so... put a mask on - Sungho handed me a black mask.

I wore the mask Sungho gave me and we walked to a big black van.

- we have enough space, don't worry- Jaehyung said.
- Also, if we didn't. We can always kick Taesan out- Leehan said.
- AGAIN ME? What do you have against me?!- Taesan asked.

We laughed and Taesan rolled his eyes.

I entered the van and sat in the backseat, between Leehan and Taesan.

- The ride will last 10 minutes- Woonhak, who was in front of me, said.

I nodded.

During the ride, we talked and they were all so funny. They were more funny then in shows.

- How much time?- Woonhak asked.
- 5 minutes- Jaehyung replied.

Woonhak whined a bit.

- And Taesan almost burns the whole house- Leehan said.
- Really?!- I asked.
- Yes!‐ Leehan laughed.
- It was an accident- Taesan defended.
- and how did you almost burn the house?- I asked, looking at the later.
- well... I put oil in the oven and left it like that for 15 minutes- Taesan explained. Scratching the back of his neck.
- oh my. And why?
- I was listening to music and... didn't realize what I was doing
- and that's why in this team always cook Sungho hyung and me- Leehan said.

I giggled.

- We arrived- Jaehyung announced.

We unfastened our belt and left the van.

- I never thought that I was going to be here three times- I said once we were in the building.
- well... you will be here more- Woonhak said.
- uh?- I asked.

Right. I'm their soulmate. I'm the  soulmate of a group of idols. Of course I'll be in their company a lot.

We entered a dance room.

-  Welcome to our dance practice room- Leehan said, opening the door.

I smiled and entered.

- Wow- I looked around.
- Ahyong. You can sit there- Taesan pointed to a sofa.
- Nah. I'll sit on the floor. That way I can see you better- I replied.

He nodded and blushed slightly.

I giggled and sat on the floor. I then saw a blue door. One of the door that they use for One & Only.

- Which song do we do first?- Jaehyung asked
- um... I don't know. Ahyong what song do you want us to do first?- Woonhak asked.
- Well... why not the new album?- I asked. Hoping that they would fall in my trap and give me some spoilers.

But it was crushed.

- We'll give you spoilers later- Riwoo said.

I whined quietly.

- Then... serenade?- I asked.
- Ok. Serenade is then- Riwoo said.
- everyone in their positions. Ahyong can you please put the song?- Jaehyung said.

I nodded and went to take my phone when Riwoo gave me his.

- here. Do it with mine- he says.

I smiled and thanked him. I searched for the song and put it.

I don't know how. But it was connected to the speaker.

They started dancing to  the song and, I have to admit, that they are so good. Again, they're my favourite group. Of course they're good!

The practice went smoothly.

They did "One and only" after Serenade, then their debut song and  two from the second album.

- rest time!- Riwoo said.

They all sighed tiredly and aproached me.

I was next to the fridge, so, before they finished the last song, I took six bottles of cold water.

- Here- I said, handing a bottle to each of them.
- Thanks- they said.

They drank their water.

- Ahhh- Woonhak sighed, lying down next to me.
- Good job- I said.
- How was our practice? Did you like it?- Leehan asked.
- Yes! I loved it. Like, I stan a lot of talented groups, but  you're the first on my list- I said.

They smiled.

- Good. I was afraid you wouldn't like it- Taesan sighed.
- don't worry- I said.
- well... in 5 minutes, we'll do our new album- Sungho said.
- Really? I'm going to listen and see all the songs from the new album?- I asked. Smiling so wide.
- don't get your hopes up. We'll do " Earth, wind and fire"  and... a song named " Our".- Sungho said.
- oh. COME ON!- I whined.
- just joking. Of course we'll do all the album- Leehan laughed.
- Yeah. We'll do the songs that has a dance and then,we'll sing the rest- Sungho explained.
- Good

5 min later:

- let's finish this and we go to the mall- Jaehyung said.
- mall?- I asked.
- yeah. For you- Taesan said with a " duh" face.
- why me?- I asked again.
They facepalmed themselves and Leehan said- You need clothes. Remember? Or will you continue to steal ours forever?
- uh... that was my plan- I said.
- sorry sunshine. But we'll go shopping- Taesan said.
- darn it- I pouted.
- We are going to go to an idol's mall. So don't worry for the fans and sasaengs- Woonhak said.

I nodded.

- let's do our first new song- Riwoo said.
- Yay!- I cheered.

They giggled and went back to their positions.


Short chapter.

Thanks for reading,commenting, voting and following me.

New Cover thanks to MOArianne.

Be healthy and  bye!

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