19| Getting soulmate's help

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Ahyong's pov:

I was crying quietly, when I heard someone talking to me.

- are you ok?- the person, who I assume is a man, asked.

I ignored him and continued crying.

- uh... they don't have much time- I heard the man mumbled.
- are you perhaps... Kim Ahyong?

I stopped crying for a second, looked at him and saw.... ZICO SUNBAENIM?! WHAT IS HE DOING HERE AND HOW DOES HE KNOW MY NAME?

- Ye... yes- I suttered.
- Why are you here? It's cold- Zico said.

I shrugged it off.

- Um... may I see your mark?- he asked.

I nodded and showed him my left wrist, showing him my mark.

- it has some decorations
- Please don't laugh at me- I said, hiding my mark.
- why would I? It's so pretty! I've never seen such a fancy mark like yours- he says.

I smiled a bit.

- come with me. We...uh.... some people need you and we don't have much time- he says, offering his hand.

I took his hand and stood up. I put my things in my bag [ stopping the music, of course] , and we entered the building.

We took an elevator.

- woah- I said as soon as we got out.
- surprised? You'll see everything someday. Now come on- Zico rushed me.

What did he mean with " you'll see everything someday"?

We walked and entered in a room, which I think it was a dance room.

When we entered, I was shocked.

There was my favourite group. Four passed out and two fighting with a girl.

- What the...- I didn't finish my sentence.
- JI EUN.- Zico shouted.

I flinched a bit by his sudden yell.

- Oppa! They want me out. I didn't do anything wrong, I just asked about the condition of the members who fainted- she pouted.
- Leave.- Sungho glared at her.
- No! I'm your manager! I can't leave when four members fainted!
- PARK JI EUN. I said leave, are you questioning me?- Zico said.
- No! I'm just worried
- don't be. Now leave

The girl nodded and, looking down, she went to the door.

- Aproach one of them and keep physical touch- Zico whispered to me.

I nodded confused and hesitantly, i aproached Leehan to ask him something.

- wait,  and who is this bitch?- the girl asked.

I ignored her. But I guess both Leehan and Sungho got more furious.

- none of your bussiness- Zico said.
- really? You're telling me to leave and let a bitch enter instead?
- SHE'S NOT A BITCH- Sungho shouted.
- Calm down...- I tried to calm him down.
- SOON TO BE- Leehan shouted.

That took me by surprise. What is going on?

- Go with Taesan first- Leehan whispered to me.

I aproach Taesan and sat next to him on the floor.

- I'm  LEAVING BUT YOU ARE ALL MINE- the girl shouted and left.
- Finally!- Zico and the two boys said.
- I'm leaving now, the boys will tell you everything. Bye- Zico said and left.

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