iii. genealogy & relations

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Nicholas Hanan Albert Wiradikarta
The young diplomat (even though he graduated from mechanical engineering from the top three universities in Indonesia), and chose to take a different step. His beautiful greenish-blue eyes also had a good ear and a tongue for foreign languages are his investment and hidden charm.

Giandra Euphrasia Anindyaswari Soerjapranata
Heiress of her parents (and family) fortunes. People keep talking about her beauty who resembles her parents, especially her mother. Works as writer and start-up employee. She had a lot of hobbies and passions, but still thinks about her reason to live.

Nicholas's FamilyRemus WiradikartaPreviously Minister of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia and now works in Turtle Bay, Manhattan

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Nicholas's Family
Remus Wiradikarta
Previously Minister of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia and now works in Turtle Bay, Manhattan. Remus is the second-generation Wiradikarta who became The Minister of Foreign Affairs after his legendary father died on duty.

Ingrid Ehrlich
The only daughter of a respected architect and engineer, and, with her step-cousin, she is the heiress of Britain's most legendary steel company. She is also why Nicholas inherited Western-like faces and a sharp tongue in languages.

Elisabeth Hanneli (d. 2022)
Nicholas's oldest sister died in Saudi Arabia. Hanneli and her short-term career as a diplomat inspired Nicholas to switch jobs.

Nayantara Sura
Nicholas's younger sister and Giandra's bestfriend. Sura is their matchmaker and she keeps pushing for their relationship to progress.

dr. Fabian Hafiyyan
A German-Indonesian who becomes Nicholas's brother-in-law and Sura's Husband. The soon-to-be pediatric surgeon (he still wants to finish his AiW).

 The soon-to-be pediatric surgeon (he still wants to finish his AiW)

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Giandra's Family
Hiram Soerjapranata (d. 2018)
Giandra's father was a distinguished architect and a well-known old money. Connected with the Indonesian top conglomerate, entertainer, and government—especially The President of Indonesia.

Kirana Hadiwiryono (d. 2018)
Giandra's mother was famous for her charm and beauty. She was passionate about art and gardening, so she chose to work as a landscape architect.

dr. Arif Soerjapranata
Giandra's paternal grandfather lived in Singapore and became a distinguished surgeon in SEA.

Prof. Dr. Arya Hadiwiryono
Giandra's maternal grandfather who she called 'papa'. He worked as a minister for eleven years in different cabinets and worked to support his family. After working for the government, he moves to Australia to work in economics.

Frida Hadiwiryono
Giandra's maternal grandmother who she called 'mama'. She used to raise all of her daughters (and also Giandra) with high standards and a high-maintenance life. She was the employer of Mba Laras and Mba Yaya.

Raya Hadiwiryono
Giandra's maternal aunt lives in Helsinki with her Spanish husband. All of her sisters outlive her as the daughter of The Hadiwiryonos.

Rayan Pradana
Giandra's cousin was the middle son of The President of Indonesia and is currently continuing his studies as a neurosurgeon.

Published on June 15th, 2024

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