Chapter 3: Meeting the new Doctor

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Chapter 3

Meeting the new Doctor

At this point in time Emmet honestly wished they had the ability to have an AC unit in their jackets.

After the rains stopped, and they put away their umbrellas, the sun came out and the horrible humidity started. At least they wore hats to shield themselves from the rays on their way to work.

"I am going to find a pool and jump into it." Emmet announced as they descended the steps toward the underground. The bright light gave way to the dim scene before them.

"If we kept on going I'm sure we could create our own pool." Ingo mumbled.

It was commute time so the subway was heavy with people going to work. It happened again at 3pm and again at 6pm. The 10pm commute wasn't as heavy as to be expected after the theme park closed.

Just as soon as they got down the steps there were a lot of people taking their pictures, calling out their names, even some of the ladies (and some men) trying to ask them out to gatherings, parties, and even the brazen ones asking them out. The twins indulged the autograph crowd and even took some pictures. A few questions from the breeding magazine asking Emmet about how his dear Garvanula was doing. Once they found out she was currently clutching the questions wouldn't stop.

Ingo had to steer his brother into the office. Emmet stopped in his tracks as he looked at his brother.

"You some lipstick on your cheek." Ingo blushed and opened his locker to look in the mirror. Upon his cheek sat a kiss mark.

"I really wish they wouldn't do this sort of stuff. We are people, and not machines. We deserve to be asked permission just like everyone else." Ingo took out a cloth and ran it over his cheek.

"Yeah, and there's so many of them I can't tell which one does it..." He looked at his own face in his locker mirror and pulled off his raincoat sliding it onto a hanger and placed it within.

"What is first on our agenda for today?" They turned to look at the agent in the doorway with a clipboard.

"We have preschool students ready to learn which train to take, and when to get off." He looked up at Emmet who seemed gleeful. He did love the kids, they always asked the funnest questions about pokemon.

"Alright Emmet looks like you have that covered." Being a subway boss didn't always mean they had to do battles. They had to actually care for the subway too. Which a lot of people automatically assumed that it was all they did.

"Alright Boss Ingo you have a meeting with the new Doctor." Ah yes, that was true. They had a new employee after the former doctor retired.

"Lead the way." Ingo looked up at Chandelure who seemed to look iffy about going back out into the corridor where those screaming people were.

"Her name is Dr. Clarity Piper. Aged 20, just graduated from NCU, with she's so..." The agent knocked on the door and it was opened by a tan colored Lycanroc. It had a rope in its mouth that was attached to the door.

"I'll be over there in a m-moment, just trying to u-unbox my tools. Can't be too careful with so many p-people in the subway after all." She turned around putting her hair behind her ear. "O...Oh good m-morning sir." She ran her hands down her lab coat in an effort to make herself more presentable.

Ingo looked at this woman and couldn't help but think this might have just been the doctor's daughter maybe. It wasn't unusual for young people to help their parents move into a new place of work. At least until he saw the name tag that said 'Dr. Clarity Piper CMO.' on the front of the lab coat.

"So you are our new Chief medical officer?" He asked, looking at the agent who wrote something down on his clipboard before turning toward the door. Obviously leaving this all up to Ingo who seemed iffy about being near this woman. Suddenly realizing the last name was incredibly correct.

"Y-Yes sir. I s-started college young." She told him. He didn't seem keen on her being there. Actually he seemed rather iffy about being anywhere near her at all.

"What about your parents?" He asked, looking around at the boxes that still looked full. She had a lot of stuff to put up.

"What about them?" She said fast. The growl that left the Lycanroc as he lay down in the slightly large pokebed in the corner.

"Rough transition to living on your own?" He asked looking back at the new doctor.

Clarity cleared her throat and stood up as tall as she could which was just short of Ingo's shoulder. "It was...done without their knowledge." She told him Ingo was surprised and realization clicked. Perhaps the stuttering, the fear, and shyness stimmed from something...more sinister?

The door opened and Emmet walked in looking down at the doctor.

"Oh wow, you're pretty short aren't you?" Clairties cheeks turned pink as she placed another box onto the exam table.

"I was unaware b-being tall was a m-must." She said, pulling out a large curtain and began to put the rings along its beindings.

"Emmet...that was rude." Ingo told his brother. Emmet just chuckled and watched as the young doctor pulled a chair over and started to put up the curtain. Even then she was on her tiptoes.

"We'll leave you to unpack then Doctor." Emmet said, looking up, seeing another pokemon in the corner move. There was a small Aipom in the corner putting beakers onto the shelves trying to make sure they were in order.

"Oh! You have some pokemon? We should battle sometime." Emmet tried, Ingo grumbled as he pulled his brother toward the door.

"I don't train my pokemon to battle, they're nurses. I only have three anyways." She looked up over Emmet as she spoke the next words. "N-Now you both should s-schedule physicals for all the agents as the o-original doctor didn't manage anything for any of you. I d-dare think he was up there in age and m-might have forgotten. Poor man. It's good that he retired and is now living in a more relaxed e-environment."

Physicals? Emmet really didn't like this woman as she held up a needle with an almost sinister smile.

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