Chapter 14: Tears

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Chapter 14


He felt bad, he felt so so bad. As he stood there looking around he noticed there were drops of blood on the concrete floor leading up into the rain. It would be harder to find her out there. The rain would wash away her scent. That means they'd need help.

"Come on, our friend at city surveillance might have seen something." Ingo sighed, running his fingers down his face. How could he possibly be able to apologize to her now. What if the reason why she got on the train was because she knew she was being followed and they just threw her to the wolves? She wasn't the type of person to just 'be strong' in the face of danger. She was always so scared.

"Ingo?" Ingo had stopped in the middle of the walkway just outside the station. He looked one way and then the other. Emmet wasn't too sure either, it was dark out now and most of the places were closed save for the theme park that was open until super late. Not even the taxi's were running. They'd have to walk.

Ingo ran back into the station. Emmet was slightly confused by his brother's actions.

"Ingo what are we doing?" Emmet asked as they ran around the corner and into one of the maintenance tunnels.

"Using the mail car." Ingo told his brother as they ran down.

"But wasn't it broken? It was completely flipped off the track. What about the maintenance cart we used when we helped Ash?" His brother asked, looking at the horribly burned cart. "Oh...yeah...Electross fried the circuits. We barely made it back to central command."

Ingo ran around the corner and stopped in front of what looked like an old car with the push hammer. "It's old, but it'll work." It was the old OLD mail car from when the subway was brand new. There was no engine so they'd have to use good old fashioned muscle.

"Perhaps I should be glad we work out." Emmet laughed nervously.


Clarity slowly opened her eyes, the first thing she noticed was the horrible headache, her eyes hurt like hell, and she was sure she tasted blood a bit. She slowly looked around the room knowing fully well where she was, but not totally how she got there.

Her vision swooned for a moment as she looked down at the ground. Hoping beyond hope to get rid of the sick feeling that she now had. Likely from the injury to the back of her head. Which was why she had a headache.

"I see you're awake." The voice was feminine, but loathsome. The woman she once called mother walked in, her dress scraping the ground as she did. She always liked the old dresses, and her father was one for suits and ties.

"Yes, ma'am." Clarity said softly, keeping her eyes on the floor. She dared not look up at the woman.

"Oh dearest one, why aren't you looking at me?" She said in a tender voice before grabbing Clarity by the jaw and lifting her. The young girl looked into her mothers green eyes as she spoke. "You know why...don't you." Clarity gulped, oh yes she knew why.

"Yes ma'am." She said in a low tone. She dare not get angry at her.

"Then please tell me. Why did you just run off on your own like that?" She was trying to sound more motherly than she really was. Clarity hated it. She was no mother to her.

"Because I do not want to be used." Clarity said, she dare not lie either.

"Then tell me, what was your plan for getting away? You know we have connections everywhere. What made you think you were any better than your horrid parents?" Clarity blinked and looked up at the woman.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh what do you think I mean? How could Peter and I have gotten such an ungrateful little shit such as you? You couldn't possibly be our real child." The woman grabbed Clarity's hair and pulled her into a standing position. The back of her head throbbing as it was also the same spot she was hit. "You are not our child! Your parents pulled some shit and we landed with you! Your parents are dead!" The woman dropped her.

The tears ran freely down Clarity's face. She sobbed on the ground, her own life a lie.

"It doesn't matter anyways, you and I both know that no one will come to save you, so you'll be down here...doing our work, for the rest of your life." She straightened her dress. "So get used to it."

She was right, Ingo showed her this, no one would ever want her, no one would ever think of her to be worth saving, she was a no one...and that's all she'll ever be.

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