Chapter 11: Sleep

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Chapter 11


It was a quieter night tonight, and they left early for home. Both Ingo and Emmet had been talking to each other, and Clarity was quiet. To Emmet's amazement he felt an increase in weight next to him. He turned slowly to see that the doctor had fallen asleep hugging her bag.

Emmet's eternal smile almost softened at the look on her. He turned to look at his brother who even had a soft look on his face.

"I should apologize now." Emmet admitted as he watched the young girl sleep on his shoulder. "She definitely can take what the subway throws at her. She's been able to keep up."

"Indeed, and I think she's a very kind young woman too." Ingo said as he sighed hearing that their street was coming up. They didn't live too far from the station. Which is why they opted to purchase a room at one of the local apartments. Probably what Clarity thought too.

"Doctor." Ingo shook her awake. Her pokemon stood up and woofed softly. She jumped awake and looked around.

"Oh...sorry." She looked up at Ingo who stood up.

"Come along, it's time to disembark." He stood by the door.

"It was a busy day wasn't it?" Emmet said as he walked out of the car followed by his brother and new companion.

"Is this normally how it is here?" Clarity asked as she yawned behind her hand. "Sorry."

"It's quite alright, I'm afraid we do have our slow days too, which is fine. Gives us a chance to catch up on work that's been left stagnant." He walked up the steps into the apartment building. Today it would seem the elevator smelled like someone had dropped an entire fish bowl inside.

"Goodness." Clarity pulled her shirt up over her nose and cleared her throat.

"It happens when there's a leak upstairs." Ingo informed her as he pushed the 3 button. Ingo yawned and leaned against the wall as he waited for the doors to open.

After a few moments Ingo bumped his brother who also looked to almost fall asleep on his feet.

"Good night." Clarity called out before opening her apartment door.

Ingo practically jumped when he felt someone's hands grab the back of his jacket. He turned to look down at an incredibly frightened Clarity. He understood that look, something was wrong. He pushed the fearful woman into his brother's arms and slowly pulled out Chandelures' pokeball. The purple light enveloped the floor and floated softly over to the apartment. The living room light had been turned on, but there was no light to be had within. The small bulb that hung from the ceiling had been shattered, the couch had been torn to pieces, and many pictures on the end tables were broken, including the one that they had taken together at the festival.

Ingo slowly looked around to make sure no one was still within the apartment. Even the clothing in the closet was not only pulled from the hangers but shredded.

Ingo walked back out with his pokemon. Chandelure called out for Emmet as she exited.

"Nothing? Was she just spooked?" Emmet obviously didn't see within the apartment, he was lightly whispering to the fearful woman.

"It would appear that her apartment was broken into." Ingo told his brother as he pulled out his cell phone and dialed the authorities.

"Come on into our apartment, you can at least stay there till things cool down and they find out just who did this." Emmet patted her back, opening the door and walking her over to the couch.

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